[ghc-steering-committee] Record syntax

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Tue Jan 28 14:29:09 UTC 2020

|  I hope we'll get a proposal that doesn't trip into so many gnarly problems
|  and achieves more of what is expected of a modern record system. It's
|  worth waiting.

That's a legitimate point of view, but we have been waiting -- for *precisely* this reason -- for well over a decade.  Personally I think it's time to move.

I think voting is fine -- there are matters of judgement here.  I'll think about what the questions are.


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: ghc-steering-committee <ghc-steering-committee-bounces at haskell.org>
|  On Behalf Of Christopher Allen
|  Sent: 28 January 2020 14:18
|  To: Cale Gibbard <cgibbard at gmail.com>
|  Cc: ghc-steering-committee at haskell.org
|  Subject: Re: [ghc-steering-committee] Record syntax
|  I'm still where I was before: we should reject this proposal. The
|  exploding state space of how code using (.) should be parsed and the fact
|  that there are this many dark corners make this a bad idea. It's not worth
|  it.
|  I hope we'll get a proposal that doesn't trip into so many gnarly problems
|  and achieves more of what is expected of a modern record system. It's
|  worth waiting.
|  > On Jan 28, 2020, at 08:05, Cale Gibbard <cgibbard at gmail.com> wrote:
|  >
|  > Hey guys, I'm new here, what is this weird dot nonsense? :D
|  >
|  > Can we perhaps avoid overloading (.) further? Function composition is
|  > really important, and I was already upset at the lack of visual
|  > clarity by the time it was used for qualifying modules...
|  >
|  >> On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 at 08:58, Eric Seidel <eric at seidel.io> wrote:
|  >>
|  >> I agree with Joachim that we should have a formal vote on this point.
|  It's contentious, as syntax always seems to be, so it would be good to get
|  everyone's opinion on record, even if that opinion is just "2 and 3 both
|  seem reasonable to me".
|  >>
|  >> But, before we vote, it occurs to me that we have three new committee
|  members (welcome!) who might have comments or questions. Alejandro, Cale,
|  and Tom, have you been following the discussion so far, or do you need a
|  summary? I wouldn't blame you, it's been dragging on for a very long
|  time..
|  >>
|  >>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2020, at 07:12, Joachim Breitner wrote:
|  >>> I know I know. It matters for what are the names of variables. My
|  >>> mental parser first looks what are the names (and handles module
|  >>> prefixes), and then the expression parser runs. At least in my head.
|  >>>
|  >>> And module prefixes are not arbitrary expressions (yet…), but the `r`
|  >>> can be an arbitrary complex expression!
|  >>>
|  >>>   f (foo bar // baz).r
|  >>>
|  >>> vs
|  >>>
|  >>>   f (foo bar // baz) .r
|  >>>
|  >>> would be different under your proposal, but the same under mine.
|  >>>
|  >>> But none of this is new to anyone here… why not just vote and get a
|  decision?
|  >>>
|  >>> Cheers,
|  >>> Joachim
|  >>>
|  >>>
|  >>> Am 28. Januar 2020 12:58:34 MEZ schrieb Simon Peyton Jones
|  >>> <simonpj at microsoft.com>:
|  >>>> |  With function application, no space or space is irrelevant:
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |    f r"" = f r "" ≠ f (r "") = f (r "")
|  >>>>
|  >>>> But that is not so
|  >>>>
|  >>>>    f r x  ≠   f rx
|  >>>>    f M.x  ≠   f M x
|  >>>>
|  >>>> White space (or its absence) matters.
|  >>>>
|  >>>> Simon
|  >>>>
|  >>>> |  -----Original Message-----
|  >>>> |  From: ghc-steering-committee
|  >>>> <ghc-steering-committee-bounces at haskell.org>
|  >>>> |  On Behalf Of Joachim Breitner
|  >>>> |  Sent: 28 January 2020 11:55
|  >>>> |  To: ghc-steering-committee at haskell.org
|  >>>> |  Subject: Re: [ghc-steering-committee] Record syntax
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  Hi,
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  > Consider  (f .x g .y h .z)
|  >>>> |  >
|  >>>> |  > (2) says this means ((((f .x) g) .y) h) .z), so that it
|  >>>> parenthesises
|  >>>> |  > exactly like function application.
|  >>>> |  >
|  >>>> |  > (3) says it means (((f .x) (g .y)) (h .z)) which, while
|  >>>> unambiguous,
|  >>>> |  > I dislike cordially.
|  >>>> |  >
|  >>>> |  > I propose to adopt (2).
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  I agree that “exactly like function application” is a great,
|  simple
|  >>>> |  universal way of explaining the parsing.
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  But I can't stop pointing out that this is inconsistent if we
|  insist
|  >>>> |  that `f r.x = f (r.x)`.
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  With function application, no space or space is irrelevant:
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |    f r"" = f r "" ≠ f (r "") = f (r "")
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  You propose
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |    f r.x ≠ f r .x = f (r .x) = f (r .x)
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  while I am still attached to
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |    f r.x = f r .x ≠ f (r .x) = f (r .x)
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  I know that this will disappoint a few who want their code to look
|  >>>> like
|  >>>> |  it does in some other languages (many object oriented langauges,
|  >>>> |  Ocaml), and who do not want to put in the extra parentheses. But
|  in
|  >>>> |  this case I am leaning towards the elegance of _really_ saying
|  >>>> “exactly
|  >>>> |  like function application”, not only syntactically, but also
|  morally
|  >>>> (a
|  >>>> |  record is a function on a finite set of field names.)
|  >>>> |  I find this very justifiable for a functional programming
|  language.
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  And I find it very un-haskelly that going from a space to no space
|  >>>> |  between expressions makes a difference (I believe Simon Marlow
|  >>>> shared
|  >>>> |  this reservation.)
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  If we do insist on “binds more tightly if no space”, then I am
|  >>>> actually
|  >>>> |  in favor of “also binds more tightly if there is a space”, i.e.
|  (3)
|  >>>> |  above, to avoid the whitespace-sensitivity.
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  So if it comes to a vote, I think these three options cover all
|  >>>> |  opinions so far?
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |   * f r .x = (f r).x; f r.x = f (r.x)     -- Simon’s (2)
|  >>>> |   * f r .x = (f r).x; f r.x = (f r).x)    -- My take on it
|  >>>> |   * f r .x = f (r.x); f r.x = f (r.x)     -- Simon’s (3)
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  Anything else?
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  If we vote, I hope we don't get too many abstinations. Nobody will
|  >>>> be
|  >>>> |  personally offended if you vote “against” them (I hope), but
|  >>>> whatever
|  >>>> |  outcome we have better have weight, and is supported by a high
|  >>>> turnout.
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  And I think we should just vote; we keep rephrasing the same
|  >>>> arguments
|  >>>> |  with different words.
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  Cheers,
|  >>>> |  Joachim
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |  --
|  >>>> |  Joachim Breitner
|  >>>> |    mail at joachim-breitner.de
|  >>>> |
|  >>>> |
|  >>>>
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|  >>>> |
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