[ghc-steering-committee] Fwd: Updated GHC 20201
Iavor Diatchki
iavor.diatchki at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 17:02:03 UTC 2020
Another update to my vote, to do with MonoLocalBinds, changing to No
Module System
ImportQualifiedPost: yes
-- ^ This is relatively new, but it seems quite simple, and it does make
-- things read nicer.
-- | These are only needed under very special circumstances,
-- so it's good to be explicit:
PackageImports: no
NoImplicitPrelude: no
BlockArguments: yes
-- ^ I use this all the time.
MultiWayIf: yes
-- ^ This is nice on occasion, and it does not seem to conflict with
-- anything. Certainly nicer than the alternative `case () of _ | ... `:
LambdaCase: no
-- ^ CHANGED from maybe. Simon PJ makes a good point that alternatives are
under consideration, so it should not be on yet.
-- | The various literal notations seem useful when you need them
-- and don't conflict with anything.
BinaryLiterals: yes
HexFloatLiterals: yes
NumericUnderscores: yes
NumDecimals: maybe
-- ^ | Not too sure about this last one, I've never used, but it
-- I could see it being useful on occasion.
OverloadedStrings: maybe
-- ^ | CHANGED from yes. I use this a lot, and would be OK with it being
on all the time, but if others would rather not have it on, it's not a big
deal to turn on when needed.
OverloadedLists: maybe
-- | ^ I've never used this, but I could see it potentially being useful.
OverloadedLabels: no
-- | ^ This one seems for experimenting with various new features
-- (e.g., record selectors), so it seems reasonable to turn it on only
-- when it is needed.
EmptyCase: maybe
-- ^ Seems like a nicer notation for forcing `Void` values.
-- I agree that it is odd that it is strict. OTOH, it'd be quite useless
-- if it was lazy, so I could go either way.
-- | I haven't really used any of those, so I could go either way:
PostfixOperators: yes
-- CHANGED from maybe. Convinced by Simon M.
LexicalNegation: maybe
UnicodeSyntax: yes
-- CHANGED from maybe. Convinced by Joachim.
NegativeLiterals: no
-- ^ It seems that `LexicalNegation` might be a nicer way to do this?
TupleSections: maybe
-- ^ I don't use this often, but I'd use it more often if it was on by
ImplicitParams: no
-- ^ I find these quite useful on occasion, but it does seem reasonable
-- to be explicit when you need them.
ParallelListComp: yes
-- ^ I find these to be a very nice generalization to list comprehensions
-- that makes some code way more readable than using `zip/zipWith`, just
-- like comprehensions are often nicer than `map` or `concatMap`
RecursiveDo: yes
-- ^ Seems useful when you need it, and it doesn't clash with anything,
-- so I see no reason to not have it on all the time.
TransformListComp: no
-- ^ In my mind these are just a bit too much syntactic sugar.
Arrows: no
-- ^ It's not used a lot, not terribly useful and overall feels "clunky".
ApplicativeDo: maybe
-- ^ I think the core of this extension is really useful,
-- but I would prefer a simpler syntactic version of it,
-- without the various transformations assuming that some laws hold.
QualifiedDo: no
-- ^ This is neat, but it is too new to be on by default.
MonadComprehensions: maybe
-- ^ I never really use these.
-- On occasion I've wanted `ApplicativeComprehensions` though.
NondecreasingIndentation: no
-- ^ This always felt like a hack to me.
RebindableSyntax: no
-- ^ This is a very special case thing
ExplicitNamespaces: maybe
-- ^ We need this if we also want pattern synonyms.
Data Types
DatatypeContexts: no
-- ^ These are not really used much, and usually don't do what people
ExistentialQuantification: yes
-- ^ This is quite useful, and has been around for a long time.
EmptyDataDecls: yes
-- ^ Seems more consistent to allow this
RoleAnnotations: no
-- ^ This only makes sense with `GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving` which
-- I don't think should be on by default.
StrictData: no
-- ^ This is very unHaskell :)
GADTSyntax: maybe
-- ^ I personally don't use this, but I know some folks like to write
-- their `data` declarations in this notation.
GADTs: no
-- ^ These can be useful, but it seems reasonable to enable them when
-- you need them, as they bring in quite a lot of machinery with them.
Patterns and Guards
BangPatterns: yes
-- ^ Seem to be useful, and quite popular.
ViewPatterns: no
-- ^ CHANGES form yes. Useful on occasion, but seems that there might be
better designs aroudn
-- (e.g. guarded patterns)
PatternSynonyms: maybe
-- ^ These are quite useful, but I am not sure how stable is their design.
NoPatternGuards: no
-- ^ Conflicts with Haskell2010
NPlusKPatterns: no
-- ^ Conflicts with Haskell2010
-- | I find these two very useful when working with records,
-- especially large ones, and declaring the extension really adds no
-- information:
NamedFieldPuns: yes
RecordWildCards: yes
-- | These seem to be largely about experimenting with new record
system, and I don't think any of them are quite ready to be on by default:
DisambiguateRecordFields: no
DuplicateRecordFields: no
NoTraditionalRecordSyntax: no
-- | Declaring these as extensions explicitly adds very little information.
DeriveGeneric: yes
DeriveLift: yes
DeriveDataTypeable: yes
EmptyDataDeriving: yes
-- ^ Useful for consistency
StandaloneDeriving: yes
-- ^ I find this quite useful on occasion, and does not conflict with
-- | I think the rest of the deriving extensions are not particularly
at the moment, so I don't think we should have them on by default, at least
not yet, even though I find some of them quite useful.
DeriveFunctor: yes
DeriveFoldable: yes
DeriveTraversable: yes
-- ^ The 3 above CHANGED from no. I was concerned about
conflicting deriving strategies, but I guess these probably always make
DerivingStrategies: no
DerivingVia: no
GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving: no
DeriveAnyClass: no
Class System
MultiParamTypeClasses: yes
-- ^ Seems like a natural extension and does not really conflict with
NullaryTypeClasses: yes
-- ^ Seems like a natural extension and does not really conflict with
ConstraintKinds: yes
-- ^ CHANGED from maybe. These seem like a very nice fit with the rest of
the kind system,
-- so I think we can enable them. The reason I wrote `maybe` is due to
-- the confusion between constraints and tuples.
-- | These 3 seem to be quite common. There are some reasons to be careful
-- when writing `FlexibleInstances`, but it seems that having the extension
-- does not really help much with those.
TypeSynonymInstances: yes
FlexibleInstances: yes
FlexibleContexts: yes
-- | I haven't really used these much, so I don't have a strong opinion:
ConstrainedClassMethods: maybe
DefaultSignatures: maybe
InstanceSigs: maybe
ExtendedDefaultRules: no
CHANGED from maybe. This is mostly for GHCi.
FunctionalDependencies: no
-- ^ While I quite like the general idea here, I don't think we should
-- have these on by default.
QuantifiedConstraints: no
-- ^ These seem neat, but are quite new to be on by default.
UndecidableInstances: no
-- ^ These are a very special case, and ideally should be specified
-- on a per instance basis.
IncoherentInstances: no
-- ^ Why do we even have this? :)
UndecidableSuperClasses: no
-- ^ These are a very special case.
OverlappingInstances: no
-- ^ This has been subsumed by per-instance pragmas
RankNTypes: yes
-- ^ These are useful and have been around for a long time. The design
-- seems to work well.
-- | These two seem useful, but I am not sure if they should be on by
-- If so, though, it makes sense to have both of them on.
StandaloneKindSignatures: maybe
KindSignatures: maybe
LiberalTypeSynonyms: maybe
-- ^ These seem useful, but can lead to some rather confusing situations
-- where types that look "normal" don't behave as you'd expect
-- (e..g, writing `[T]` fails because `T` happens to have `forall` in it)
-- | These two go together and seem quite useful, especially when writing
-- local type signatures.
ScopedTypeVariables: maybe
ExplicitForAll: maybe
CHANGED from yes to maybe. Personally, I wouldn't mind if this was on all
the time, but Richard seems to prefer that it is not, so I could go either
AllowAmbiguousTypes: no
-- ^ Often these are unintentional, and are due to a mistake in the program.
ImpredicativeTypes: no
-- ^ These are being currently redesigned, so not ready.
MonoLocalBinds: no
-- ^ CHANGED from maybe. I don't know if this one is on by default or not
already... Convinced by Richard.
NoMonomorphismRestriction: yes
-- ^ The monomrphism restriction seems to cause a lot of confusion, and I
-- am not sure that it's helped that much with efficiency
-- | Doesn't really seem to be commonly used.
PartialTypeSignatures: no
NamedWildCards: no
LinearTypes: no
-- ^ Too new to be standardized
TypeApplications: no
-- ^ This one is quite useful, bit it seems that its design and how many
-- understand it don't match, so maybe there is more work to be done.
-- | These are all related to type-level programming, and while I don't
-- they should be on by default, it might be useful to have a single flag
-- turns a bunch of them on.
PolyKinds: no
TypeOperators: no
StarIsType: maybe
TypeFamilies: no
TypeFamilyDependencies: no
DataKinds: no
I don't think the FFI should be on by default, as it is used relatively
infrequently, although it might be nice if `ForeignFunctionInterface`
implied `CApiFFI`
ForeignFunctionInterface: yes
CApiFFI: yes
CHANGED from no. FFI is part of Haskell 2010, and so should be on by
default. If the FFI is on, then it makes a lot of sense to have CApiFFI on
GHCForeignImportPrim: no
InterruptibleFFI: no
UnliftedFFITypes: no
StaticPointers: no
Low Level
These are for low-level hacking, so I don't think they should be
on by default. However, I wouldn't mind having a flag that enabled
all of them with a single extension (e.g., `UnliftedTypes`)
UnboxedSums: no
UnboxedTuples: no
MagicHash: no
UnliftedNewtypes: yes
CHANGED from no. This one just makes sense, and while it is not terribly
useful without the other extensions (as there is no way to actually write
an unboxed type in the first place), it would be one fewer extension to
write if one want to use low level stuff
CPP: no
This is quite specialized, so it seems reasonable to be explicit about it.
I don't think these should be on by default, but I wouldn't mind it
if `TemplateHaskell` implied `QuasiQuotes`, so that when I use TH
I just need to turn on a single extension.:
TemplateHaskell: no
TemplateHaskellQuotes: no
QuasiQuotes: no
-- | These are part of Safe Haskell and are there to be written explicitly
Unsafe: no
Safe: no
Trustworthy: no
Strict: no
-- ^ This is not Haskell! :-)
CUSKs: no
TypeInType: no
MonadFailDesugaring: maybe
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