[ghc-steering-committee] Proposal: Embrace Type in Type

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Thu Jan 25 22:10:33 UTC 2018


Am Donnerstag, den 25.01.2018, 21:45 +0000 schrieb Iavor Diatchki:
> In part because I actually tried for a while to use `Type` instead of
> `*`, and I found that the resulting kind signatures looked much more
> complicated.

How do you feel about the variant where * is a synonym for Type, but no
special parsing rules apply, which means you get to write

    class Monad (m :: (*) -> (*))

instead of 

    class Monad (m :: * -> *) -- now


    class Monad (m :: Type -> Type) -- proposed

This way, people who want (*) to not refer to Type can hide the import
with the usual mechanisms.


Joachim Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de
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