[ghc-steering-committee] Proposal: Define Kinds Without Promotion (#106)

Eric Seidel eric at seidel.io
Fri Aug 17 16:34:40 UTC 2018

Thanks Richard, you beat me to it :)

I agree with your definitions and examples with one clarification:

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018, at 11:46, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
> New:
> type: Something that can reasonably go to the right of a ::. In other 
> words, an element of the kind * (or Type). Examples: Int, Bool, Maybe 
> Double. Non-examples: 4, 'True, '[Int, Bool], '[]

I think we should be a bit more pedantic here and say something like "something that can be the `t` in the judgment `x :: t`."

Going to the right of a :: could also be understood to mean appearing somewhere in the type-level, which is the old definition!

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