[ghc-steering-committee] [ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals] Lazy unboxed tuples / warn on unbanged strict patterns (#35)

Ben Gamari ben at well-typed.com
Fri Jan 27 15:53:49 UTC 2017

Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com> writes:

> | The limited discussion period was a suggestion that entered the process
> | only rather late as a suggestion from Richard (or least my interpretation
> | thereof). The hope is that it makes things a bit more manageable by
> | keeping the number of proposals at the focus of the communities attention
> | small. Authors are of course able to continue working with collaborators
> | to hone their proposals outside of the discussion phase, but we want to
> | avoid having idle proposals accumulate over time.
> OK.  I propose that we change this.  Remove the four-week language.  Instead:
> * At any time the author of a proposal can transition from "Discussion" to
>   "Decision", by changing the status of the proposal [link to explain how],
>   and by sending email to the committee to signal the change.
>   The author should do this only when there has been adequate opportunity
>   for the community to respond to the proposal.  It would be unusual
>   to consider adequate any period less than four weeks from the last
>   substantial change to the proposal.  But this is not a hard and fast
>   rule.  It's the intent that matters.
> * Any proposal in "Discussion" that has had no input for more than four weeks
>   may be moved "Dormant" status (by anyone).  The goal here is simply to keep manageable
>   the list of proposals that are being actively worked on.  The author
>   is free to resurrect it to "Discussion" status.
Yes, this sounds reasonable. I can rework the language in the
documentation and send an announcement if there are no objections.


- Ben
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