[ghc-steering-committee] GHC steering committee participation
Simon Peyton Jones
simonpj at microsoft.com
Fri Feb 3 11:36:22 UTC 2017
I'd be fine with that, if Roman feels he has enough time to contribute pro-actively. (Hi Roman!)
You are quite right to raise this Atze; it's not good having members who are, in practice, unable to contribute. One just ends up with guilt all round :-). So, thank you!
| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-steering-committee [mailto:ghc-steering-committee-
| bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Atze Dijkstra
| Sent: 03 February 2017 11:00
| To: ghc-steering-committee at haskell.org
| Cc: Donald Stewart <donald.stewart at sc.com>; rleshchinskiy at gmail.com
| Subject: [ghc-steering-committee] GHC steering committee participation
| Dear committee members,
| as you may have noticed I have not actively participated in proposal
| reviewing. I can wrap this in a long or short story, but at the core lies
| lack of time combined with my role at Standard Chartered (SC) evolving in a
| direction less involved with GHC and Haskell language design/implementation
| than I originally thought it might be. Privately, outside of SC, I also see
| little time and energy left for committee activities. The work on proposals
| seems to have started actively and vigorously and I'd rather not be this
| silent non-contributing participant. I feel it is important to have somebody
| from what can likely be called the largest Haskell based industrial
| development group be in contact with and contribute to what by definition is
| an important tool for us. After some consultation with colleagues I found
| Roman Leshchinskiy (rleshchinskiy at gmail.com) to be willing to replace me in
| the committee. For most of the committee members I guess he is already known
| from the FP community so I leave further introduction up to himself. Within
| SC Roman is responsible for GHC related supporting infrastructure and as
| such is more than I am involved in and confronted with GHC intricacies,
| which places him at a better position to contribute to the GHC steering
| committee from an industrial perspective. I am aware that stepping down
| might cause inconvenience, but also feel that this better can be done now
| than later when the committee is already on farther on its way in dealing
| with proposals. I am also aware that it is not really up to me to decide
| what to do next after me stepping down, but I feel the proposed replacement
| by Roman is the best option from my perspective.
| all the best,
| Atze
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