[GHC-Releases] GHC 9.8.4 release status

Ben Gamari ben at well-typed.com
Wed Nov 20 23:54:23 UTC 2024

Hi all,

The penultimate release pipeline for 9.8.4 can be found at [0].
Unfortunately, it is affected by a non-user-facing Hadrian issue
compromising one of the validation jobs. I have pushed a commit fixing
this and have started a new pipeline [1]. Consequently, I wanted to
inform downstreams that we are quickly closing in on the final 9.8.4

I believe this release has addressed all of the packaging concerns with
9.8.3 including:

 * manpages are now included in all jobs save CentOS 7. I am attempting
   [2] to enable Sphinx output on CentOS 7 as well, although there is a
   significant chance that this will fail due to the old Sphinx version
   shipped on that platform. If so I suggest that we cut our losses on
   documentation on CentOS 7; 9.8.4 will already be considerably better
   in this regard than previous releases in the series.

 * `filepath` has been bumped to 1.4.301.0

 * `unix` has been bumped to

As well, I have included two bug-fixes to significant compiler
correctness bugs.

If anyone has any concerns, please do share them now so we can move
ahead with finalizing the release.


- Ben

[0] https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/pipelines/103460
[1] https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/pipelines/103472
[2] https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/pipelines/103475
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