openFile gives "file is locked" error on Linux when creating a non-existing file

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at
Tue Oct 8 10:27:04 UTC 2024

On Tue, Oct 08, 2024 at 01:15:40PM +0530, Harendra Kumar wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Oct 2024 at 11:50, Viktor Dukhovni <ietf-dane at> wrote:
> > What sort of filesystem is "/tmp/fsevent_dir-.../watch-root" located in?
> This happens on github Linux CI. Not sure which filesystem they are
> using. Earlier I was wondering if something funny is happening in case
> they are using NFS. But NFS usually causes issues due to caching of
> directory entries if we are doing cross-node operations, here we are
> on a single node and operations are not running in parallel (or that's
> what I believe).  I will remove the hspec layer from the tests to make
> sure that the code is simpler and our understanding is correct.
> I will also run the tests on circle-ci to check if the problem occurs
> there. I have never seen this problem in testing this on a Linux
> machine on AWS even if I ran the tests for days in a loop.

Looking more closely at the GHC code, we see that there's an internal
(RTS not OS level) exclusive lock on the (device, inode) pair as part of
opening a Unix file for writes, or shared lock for reads.

    lockFile(StgWord64 id, StgWord64 dev, StgWord64 ino, int for_writing)
        Lock key, *lock;


        key.device = dev;
        key.inode  = ino;

        lock = lookupHashTable_(obj_hash, (StgWord)&key, hashLock, cmpLocks);

        if (lock == NULL)
            lock = stgMallocBytes(sizeof(Lock), "lockFile");
            lock->device = dev;
            lock->inode  = ino;
            lock->readers = for_writing ? -1 : 1;
            insertHashTable_(obj_hash, (StgWord)lock, (void *)lock, hashLock);
            insertHashTable(key_hash, id, lock);
            return 0;
            // single-writer/multi-reader locking:
            if (for_writing || lock->readers < 0) {
                return -1;
            insertHashTable(key_hash, id, lock);
            return 0;

This is obtained in "libraries/base/GHC/IO/FD.hs", via:

    mkFD fd iomode mb_stat is_socket is_nonblock = do
        case fd_type of
            Directory ->
               ioException (IOError Nothing InappropriateType "openFile"
                               "is a directory" Nothing Nothing)

            -- regular files need to be locked
            RegularFile -> do
               -- On Windows we need an additional call to get a unique device id
               -- and inode, since fstat just returns 0 for both.
               -- See also Note [RTS File locking]
               (unique_dev, unique_ino) <- getUniqueFileInfo fd dev ino
               r <- lockFile (fromIntegral fd) unique_dev unique_ino
                             (fromBool write)
               when (r == -1)  $
                    ioException (IOError Nothing ResourceBusy "openFile"
                                       "file is locked" Nothing Nothing)

This suggests that when the file in question is opened there's already a
read lock in for the same dev/ino.  Perhaps the Github filesystem fails
to ensure uniqueness of dev+ino of open files (perhaps when open files
are already unlinked)?


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