Deriving mechanisms in GHC

Simon Peyton Jones simon.peytonjones at
Wed Jul 3 19:20:30 UTC 2024

> I am also curious if there is a recommended way to check the GHC API
changes across different versions.

The difficulty is that we don't *have* a published, well designed GHC API
for clients to use, and for GHC devs to strive to maintain stable.  You
aren't the only one to find this problem see these tickets
You might want to turn this thread into a new ticket, so you get included
in that list.

There is a project to design the API, but it is stalled

It would be fantastic if someone, or a small group, was willing to take the
lead here.


On Wed, 3 Jul 2024 at 20:02, Yao Li <liyao at> wrote:

> Ah that looks like the reason. Thank you for catching that! Thanks for the
> pointers to the specific commit in GHC as well as the example!
> I am also curious if there is a recommended way to check the GHC API
> changes across different versions. We use GHC APIs extensively in hs-to-coq
> and there seem to be a number of changes between 8.4 and 8.10, so it's
> possible that we will run into other similar issues at some point, or when
> we update hs-to-coq to newer GHC versions in the future... Or are there any
> community recommendations on the best way to maintain our code base, which
> relies on GHC APIs?
> Thanks,
> Yao
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 7:46 AM Ryan Scott < at> wrote:
>> (Disclaimer: I have never used hs-to-coq before, so everything below is
>> merely an educated guess.)
>> Looking at the source code for hs-to-coq, I see this [1]:
>> addDerivedInstances :: GhcMonad m => TypecheckedModule -> m
>>> TypecheckedModule
>>> addDerivedInstances tcm = do
>>>     let Just (hsgroup, a, b, c) = tm_renamed_source tcm
>>>     (_gbl_env, inst_infos, _rn_binds) <- initTcHack tcm $ do
>>>         let tcg_env = fst (tm_internals_ tcm)
>>>             tcg_env_hack = tcg_env { tcg_mod = fakeDerivingMod,
>>> tcg_semantic_mod = fakeDerivingMod }
>>>                 -- Set the module to make it look like we are in GHCi
>>>                 -- so that GHC will allow us to re-typecheck existing
>>> instances
>>>         setGblEnv tcg_env_hack $
>>> #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810
>>>             tcInstDeclsDeriv [] (hs_derivds hsgroup)
>>> #else
>>>             tcInstDeclsDeriv [] (hs_tyclds hsgroup >>= group_tyclds)
>>> (hs_derivds hsgroup)
>>> #endif
>> If I understand this code correctly, it is using the GHC API to produce
>> deriving-generated code and typecheck it, which seems reasonable. The
>> part that confuses me is the #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810 bit. Prior
>> to GHC 8.10, this code would obtain deriving-related information from
>> two places:
>>    1. The deriving clauses of data type declarations (i.e., the hs_tyclds
>>    )
>>    2. Standalone deriving declarations (i.e., the hs_derivds)
>> In GHC 8.10 and later, however, the code only obtains deriving-related
>> information from standalone deriving declarations. This means that you'll
>> completely skip over any derived instances that arise from deriving
>> clauses, which is likely the source of the trouble you're encountering.
>> In order to give advice on what you *should* be doing, let me briefly
>> describe why the type of tcInstDeclsDeriv changed in GHC 8.10. The
>> commit that changed tcInstDeclsDeriv is [2]. Prior to that commit,
>> tcInstDeclsDeriv would obtain information related to deriving clauses
>> via its first two arguments:
>>    1. The first argument (of type [DerivInfo]) contained all of the
>>    deriving clauses for data family instances. (Note that hs-to-coq uses an
>>    empty list, so this means that hs-to-coq will always skip over data
>>    family instances, before or after GHC 8.10. I'm not sure if this should be
>>    considered as a separate bug.)
>>    2. The second argument (of type [LTyClDecl GhcRn]) contained all of
>>    the data type definitions, which might have deriving clauses attached to
>>    them.
>> The linked commit changes things so that *all* deriving clause–related
>> information (both for ordinary data types as well as data family instances)
>> is passed as a [DerivInfo] list. This means that hs-to-coq needs to
>> produce those DerivInfo values somehow. As inspiration, you might want
>> to look at how GHC calls tcInstDeclsDeriv here [3]. GHC first calls the
>> tcTyAndClassDecls function to produce the DerivInfo values, and then it
>> passes the DerivInfo values to tcInstDeclsDeriv. I would hope that
>> something similar would work for hs-to-coq.
>> Best,
>> Ryan
>> -----
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
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