Upcoming GHC 9.4.8 release

Zubin Duggal zubin at well-typed.com
Tue Oct 24 12:40:39 UTC 2023

Hi all,

We hope to prepare the 9.4.8 release in the coming weeks. This will
likely be the final release in the 9.4 series.

The major patches currently slated for inclusion into the 9.4.8 are:

1. A process submodule bump to avoiding segfaults on Darwin
2. A fix for a recompilation checking bug where GHC may miss changes in
    transitive dependencies when deciding to relink a program 
3. A fix for a packaging bug so that we can ensure all released binaries
    and bundled libraries are built with `-split-sections` enabled 

If you would like any patches to be considered for inclusion in this
release please ensure that the corresponding Merge Requests are marked
with the ~"backport needed:9.4" by **the end of this week**.

Please note that we will be quite conservative with the changes we
accept for this branch at this point in its lifecycle. 

The current set of all MRs being considered for inclusion can be viewed at


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