possible regression in GHC 9.2.4: hang in simplifier (?) when building a test executable

Simon Peyton Jones simon.peytonjones at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 14:18:49 UTC 2022

Maybe open GHC ticket?

How can I repro with a *particular* GHC, for example my build of HEAD?

And how can I find the command line that finally hung, so I can try it


On Tue, 6 Sept 2022 at 14:02, Doug Burke <dburke.gw at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a test executable which will build with ghc 9.2.3 (and many
> older versions) but which appears to hang with GHC 9.2.4. I have
> exhausted what little I know of in debugging this, so any help in
> identifying the problem would be appreciated. Unfortunately it's a
> relatively large application, so the following reproducer requires
> some time/disk space.
> Thanks fo ryour time,
> Doug
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I am on a linux machine (ubuntu 22.04) and have seen this with builds
> either with stack or nix.
> % git clone https://gitlab.com/dburke/swish temp
> % cd temp
> % git rev-parse HEAD
> 09c92e0fbbea9be86cac5c8e273e1d5915a9eeae
> Added to get the timings, but it's not strictly necessary:
> % sed -i -e "s/-Wall /-Wall -ddump-timings /" swish.cabal
> First a check of a successful build (with stack, GHC 9.0.2):
> % stack test --resolver lts-19.22 :test-rdfproof
> ... wait a while
> [2 of 2] Compiling Main
> *** Parser [Main]:
> Parser [Main]: alloc=27576560 time=8.702
> *** Renamer/typechecker [Main]:
> Renamer/typechecker [Main]: alloc=61957416 time=85.052
> *** Desugar [Main]:
> Desugar [Main]: alloc=19485576 time=16.095
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=1024590752 time=937.479
> *** Specialise [Main]:
> Specialise [Main]: alloc=49779464 time=30.480
> *** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
>                    Consts = True,
>                    OverSatApps = False}) [Main]:
> Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0, Consts = True, OverSatApps = False})
> [Main]: alloc=243444904 time=287.934
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=959971736 time=844.707
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=816465992 time=727.244
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=914290184 time=835.805
> Float inwards [Main]: alloc=17448 time=0.007
> Called arity analysis [Main]: alloc=19288 time=0.008
> *** Float inwards [Main]:
> *** Called arity analysis [Main]:
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> *** Demand analysis [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=492772800 time=396.191
> Demand analysis [Main]: alloc=435384136 time=234.248
> *** Constructed Product Result analysis [Main]:
> Constructed Product Result analysis [Main]: alloc=67395816 time=27.498
> *** Worker Wrapper binds [Main]:
> Worker Wrapper binds [Main]: alloc=10456160 time=10.538
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=675869616 time=624.538
> Exitification transformation [Main]: alloc=20416 time=0.007
> *** Exitification transformation [Main]:
> *** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
>                    Consts = True,
>                    OverSatApps = True}) [Main]:
> Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0, Consts = True, OverSatApps = True})
> [Main]: alloc=212059304 time=172.872
> Common sub-expression [Main]: alloc=18768 time=0.008
> Float inwards [Main]: alloc=17448 time=0.006
> *** Common sub-expression [Main]:
> *** Float inwards [Main]:
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=430634768 time=397.868
> *** Demand analysis [Main]:
> Demand analysis [Main]: alloc=144629272 time=70.451
> *** CoreTidy [Main]:
> CoreTidy [Main]: alloc=48438688 time=44.112
> *** CorePrep [Main]:
> *** CodeGen [Main]:
> CorePrep [Main]: alloc=15032 time=0.012
> CodeGen [Main]: alloc=1738308168 time=1051.197
> *** systool:as:
> systool:as: alloc=118376 time=0.481
> *** initializing unit database:
> initializing unit database: alloc=15393080 time=21.985
> *** initializing unit database:
> initializing unit database: alloc=3745512 time=2.507
> *** Chasing dependencies:
> *** systool:cpp:
> systool:cpp: alloc=213016 time=0.552
> Chasing dependencies: alloc=11345152 time=5.353
> Linking
> .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-tinfo6/Cabal-
> ...
> ...
> ... then it goes on to run the test
> ...
> With 9.2.4 it will not build
> %
> ... similar to above but with some information about the versions not
> ... fully tested with stack
> ...
> *** Parser [Main]:
> Parser [Main]: alloc=24346008 time=8.730
> *** Renamer/typechecker [Main]:
> Renamer/typechecker [Main]: alloc=58415776 time=44.077
> *** Desugar [Main]:
> Desugar [Main]: alloc=22148416 time=15.693
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=651048904 time=530.123
> *** Specialise [Main]:
> Specialise [Main]: alloc=44412080 time=31.885
> *** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
>                    Consts = True,
>                    OverSatApps = False}) [Main]:
> Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0, Consts = True, OverSatApps = False})
> [Main]: alloc=207753368 time=259.238
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=599788216 time=548.107
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=562910904 time=474.847
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=725093584 time=643.255
> Float inwards [Main]: alloc=23720 time=0.011
> Called arity analysis [Main]: alloc=25856 time=0.012
> *** Float inwards [Main]:
> *** Called arity analysis [Main]:
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> At this point it just makes my laptop fan spin faster wit h one of my
> CPUs pegged at 100%, but it never seems to print anything more.
> For those that prefer nix, you can try the following which shows the
> same behavior (these are using the same mangled cabal file to get the
> timings):
> % nix-shell --argstr compiler ghc923
> % cabal test test-rdfproof
> ...
> [2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( tests/RDFProofTest.hs,
> /home/dburke/rdf/temp/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.2.3/swish-
> )
> *** Parser [Main]:
> Parser [Main]: alloc=25233912 time=9.910
> *** Renamer/typechecker [Main]:
> Renamer/typechecker [Main]: alloc=57027880 time=45.911
> *** Desugar [Main]:
> Desugar [Main]: alloc=21808096 time=54.569
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=936319072 time=880.189
> *** Specialise [Main]:
> Specialise [Main]: alloc=41599784 time=23.425
> *** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
>                    Consts = True,
>                    OverSatApps = False}) [Main]:
> Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0, Consts = True, OverSatApps = False})
> [Main]: alloc=204955224 time=226.189
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=610153728 time=654.735
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=566346328 time=549.298
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=801330080 time=802.428
> *** Float inwards [Main]:
> Float inwards [Main]: alloc=23160 time=0.012
> *** Called arity analysis [Main]:
> Called arity analysis [Main]: alloc=25296 time=0.013
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=423629864 time=320.611
> *** Demand analysis [Main]:
> Demand analysis [Main]: alloc=253018800 time=175.884
> *** Constructed Product Result analysis [Main]:
> Constructed Product Result analysis [Main]: alloc=74681224 time=28.675
> *** Worker Wrapper binds [Main]:
> Worker Wrapper binds [Main]: alloc=8622264 time=7.070
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=598294440 time=554.802
> *** Exitification transformation [Main]:
> Exitification transformation [Main]: alloc=26712 time=0.013
> *** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
>                    Consts = True,
>                    OverSatApps = True}) [Main]:
> Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0, Consts = True, OverSatApps = True})
> [Main]: alloc=179540608 time=226.938
> *** Common sub-expression [Main]:
> Common sub-expression [Main]: alloc=24800 time=0.014
> *** Float inwards [Main]:
> Float inwards [Main]: alloc=23168 time=0.010
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=382679152 time=318.224
> *** Demand analysis [Main]:
> Demand analysis [Main]: alloc=84192056 time=50.989
> *** CoreTidy [Main]:
> CoreTidy [Main]: alloc=45347360 time=44.571
> *** CorePrep [Main]:
> CorePrep [Main]: alloc=34753448 time=10.917
> *** CoreToStg [Main]:
> CoreToStg [Main]: alloc=108293568 time=114.768
> *** CodeGen [Main]:
> CodeGen [Main]: alloc=1475393208 time=858.854
> *** WriteIface
> [/home/dburke/rdf/temp/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.2.3/swish-]:
> WriteIface
> [/home/dburke/rdf/temp/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.2.3/swish-]:
> alloc=3732816 time=3.044
> *** systool:as:
> systool:as: alloc=132384 time=0.456
> *** initializing unit database:
> initializing unit database: alloc=7386016 time=4.306
> *** initializing unit database:
> initializing unit database: alloc=4000384 time=12.125
> *** Chasing dependencies:
> *** systool:cpp:
> systool:cpp: alloc=313896 time=0.486
> Chasing dependencies: alloc=12822240 time=6.459
> Linking
> /home/dburke/rdf/temp/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.2.3/swish-
> ...
> ...
> versus
> % nix-shell --argstr compiler ghc924
> cabal test test-rdfproof
> Warning: The package list for 'hackage.haskell.org' is 20 days old.
> Run 'cabal update' to get the latest list of available packages.
> Resolving dependencies...
> Build profile: -w ghc-9.2.4 -O1
> In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
>  - swish- (test:test-rdfproof) (first run)
> Preprocessing test suite 'test-rdfproof' for swish-
> Building test suite 'test-rdfproof' for swish-
> *** initializing unit database:
> initializing unit database: alloc=7389248 time=4.462
> *** initializing unit database:
> initializing unit database: alloc=4001312 time=11.664
> *** Chasing dependencies:
> *** systool:cpp:
> systool:cpp: alloc=319464 time=0.481
> Chasing dependencies: alloc=12861208 time=6.331
> [2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( tests/RDFProofTest.hs,
> /home/dburke/rdf/temp/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.2.4/swish-
> )
> *** Parser [Main]:
> Parser [Main]: alloc=25236056 time=23.982
> *** Renamer/typechecker [Main]:
> Renamer/typechecker [Main]: alloc=101830968 time=97.529
> *** Desugar [Main]:
> Desugar [Main]: alloc=24617072 time=19.187
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=665051592 time=558.078
> *** Specialise [Main]:
> Specialise [Main]: alloc=44894576 time=30.341
> *** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
>                    Consts = True,
>                    OverSatApps = False}) [Main]:
> Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0, Consts = True, OverSatApps = False})
> [Main]: alloc=208060752 time=245.458
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=602721856 time=555.073
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=563887832 time=529.865
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> Simplifier [Main]: alloc=727381840 time=606.367
> *** Float inwards [Main]:
> Float inwards [Main]: alloc=23720 time=0.012
> *** Called arity analysis [Main]:
> Called arity analysis [Main]: alloc=25848 time=0.012
> *** Simplifier [Main]:
> which again hangs
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