9.4 branch build failure on ByteString/Internal.hs

Shayne Fletcher shayne.fletcher.50 at gmail.com
Tue May 24 21:34:09 UTC 2022

i've found for the last couple of weeks, the 9.4 branch fails to build with
the following error. is this known? a fix in the works?
libraries/bytestring/Data/ByteString/Internal.hs:292:23: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘m’ with ‘TH.Q’
      ‘m’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          TH.lift :: forall (m :: * -> *).
                     TH.Quote m =>
                     ByteString -> m TH.Exp
        at libraries/bytestring/Data/ByteString/Internal.hs:292:3-6
      Expected type: m TH.Exp
        Actual type: TH.Q TH.Exp
    • In the expression:
        [| unsafePackLenLiteral |]
          `TH.appE` TH.litE (TH.integerL (fromIntegral len))
            TH.litE (TH.BytesPrimL $ TH.Bytes ptr 0 (fromIntegral len))
      In an equation for ‘TH.lift’:
          TH.lift (BS ptr len)
            = [| unsafePackLenLiteral |]
                `TH.appE` TH.litE (TH.integerL (fromIntegral len))
                  TH.litE (TH.BytesPrimL $ TH.Bytes ptr 0 (fromIntegral
      In the instance declaration for ‘TH.Lift ByteString’
    • Relevant bindings include
        lift :: ByteString -> m TH.Exp
          (bound at libraries/bytestring/Data/ByteString/Internal.hs:292:3)
292 |   lift (BS ptr len) = [| unsafePackLenLiteral |]
    |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

Shayne Fletcher
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