Why TcLclEnv and DsGblEnv need to store the same IORef for errors?
John Ericson
john.ericson at obsidian.systems
Wed Mar 31 14:36:43 UTC 2021
I might still be tempted to do:
data DsMessage =
| DsLiftedTcRnMessage !TcRnMessage
-- ^ A diagnostic coming straight from the Typecheck-renamer.
data TcRnMessage =
| TcRnLiftedDsMessage !DsMessage
-- ^ A diagnostic coming straight from the Desugarer.
tying them together with hs-boot. Yes, that means one can do some silly
`TcRnLiftedDsMessage . DsLiftedTcRnMessage . TcRnLiftedDsMessage ...`,
but that could even show up in a render as "while desugaring a splice
during type checking, while typechecking during desguaring, ..." so
arguably the information the wrapping isn't purely superfluous.
I think this would pose no practical problem today, while still "soft
enforcing" the abstraction boundaries we want.
On 3/31/21 3:45 AM, Alfredo Di Napoli wrote:
> Follow up:
> Argh! I have just seen that I have a bunch of test failures related to
> my MR (which, needless to say, it's still WIP).
> For example:
> run/T9140.run.stdout.normalised 2021-03-31 09:35:48.000000000 +0200
> @@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
> -<interactive>:2:5:
> - You can't mix polymorphic and unlifted bindings: a = (# 1 #)
> - Probable fix: add a type signature
> -
> -<interactive>:3:5:
> - You can't mix polymorphic and unlifted bindings: a = (# 1, 3 #)
> - Probable fix: add a type signature
> -
> So it looks like some diagnostic is now not being reported and,
> surprise surprise, this was emitted from the DsM monad.
> I have the suspect that indeed Richard was right (like he always is :)
> ) -- when we go from a DsM to a TcM monad (See `initDsTc`) for
> example, I think we also need to carry into the new monad all the
> diagnostics we collected so far.
> This implies indeed a mutual dependency (as Simon pointed out, heh).
> So I think my cunning plan of embedding is crumbling -- I suspect we
> would end up with a type `TcRnDsMessage` which captures the dependency.
> Sorry for not seeing it sooner!
> On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 08:05, Alfredo Di Napoli
> <alfredo.dinapoli at gmail.com <mailto:alfredo.dinapoli at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Morning all,
> *Richard*: sorry! Unfortunately MR !4798 is the cornerstone of
> this refactoring work but it's also gargantuan. Let's discuss a
> plan to attack it, but fundamentally there is a critical mass of
> changes that needs to happen atomically or it wouldn't make much
> sense, and alas this doesn't play in our favour when it comes to
> MR size and ease of review. However, to quickly reply to your
> remak: currently (for the sake of the "minimum-viable-product") I
> am trying to stabilise the external interfaces, by which I mean
> giving functions their final type signature while I do what's
> easiest to make things typecheck. In this phase what I think is
> the easiest is to wrap the majority of diagnostics into the
> `xxUnknownxx` constructor, and change them gradually later. A fair
> warning, though: you say "I would think that a DsMessage would
> later be wrapped in an envelope." This might be true for Ds
> messages (didn't actually invest any brain cycles to check that)
> but in general we have to turn a message into an envelope as soon
> as we have a chance to do so, because we need to grab the
> `SrcSpan` and the `DynFlags` *at the point of creation* of the
> diagnostics. Carrying around a message and make it bubble up at
> some random point won't be a good plan (even for Ds messages).
> Having said that, I clearly have very little knowledge about this
> area of GHC, so feel free to disagree :)
> *John*: Although it's a bit hard to predict how well this is going
> to evolve, my current embedding, to refresh everyone's memory, is
> the following:
> data DsMessage =
> DsUnknownMessage !DiagnosticMessage
> -- ^ Stop-gap constructor to ease the migration.
> | DsLiftedTcRnMessage !TcRnMessage
> -- ^ A diagnostic coming straight from the Typecheck-renamer.
> -- More messages added in the future, of course
> At first I thought this was the wrong way around, due to Simon's
> comment, but this actually creates pleasant external interfaces.
> To give you a bunch of examples from MR !4798:
> deSugar :: HscEnv -> ModLocation -> TcGblEnv -> IO (Messages
> DsMessage, Maybe ModGuts)
> deSugarExpr :: HscEnv -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> IO (Messages DsMessage,
> Maybe CoreExpr)
> Note something interesting: the second function actually calls
> `runTcInteractive` inside the body, but thanks to the
> `DsLiftedTcRnMessage` we can still expose to the consumer an
> opaque `DsMessage` , which is what I would expect to see from a
> function called "deSugarExpr". Conversely, I would be puzzled to
> find those functions returning a `TcRnDsMessage`.
> Having said all of that, I am not advocating this design is "the
> best". I am sure we will iterate on it. I am just reporting that
> even this baseline seems to be decent from an API perspective :)
> On Wed, 31 Mar 2021 at 05:45, John Ericson
> <john.ericson at obsidian.systems> wrote:
> Alfredo also replied to this pointing his embedding plan. I
> also prefer that, because I really wish TH didn't smear
> together the phases so much. Moreover, I hope with
> - GHC proposals
> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/412
> <https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/412> /
> https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/243
> <https://github.com/ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals/pull/243>
> - The parallelism work currently be planned in
> https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/Plan-for-increased-parallelism-and-more-detailed-intermediate-output
> <https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/Plan-for-increased-parallelism-and-more-detailed-intermediate-output>
> we might actually have an opportunity/extra motivation to do
> that. Splices and quotes will still induce intricate
> inter-phase dependencies, but I hope that could be mediated by
> the driver rather than just baked into each phase.
> (One final step would be the "stuck macros" technique of
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUvKoG_V_U0
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUvKoG_V_U0> /
> https://github.com/gelisam/klister
> <https://github.com/gelisam/klister>, where TH splices would
> be able to making "blocking queries" of the the compiler in
> ways that induce more of these fine-grained dependencies.)
> Anyways, while we could also do a "RnTsDsError" and split
> later, I hope Alfredo's alternative of embedding won't be too
> much harder and prepare us for these exciting areas of
> exploration.
> John
> On 3/30/21 10:14 AM, Richard Eisenberg wrote:
>>> On Mar 30, 2021, at 4:57 AM, Alfredo Di Napoli
>>> <alfredo.dinapoli at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:alfredo.dinapoli at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> I'll explore the idea of adding a second IORef.
>> Renaming/type-checking is already mutually recursive. (The
>> renamer must call the type-checker in order to rename -- that
>> is, evaluate -- untyped splices. I actually can't recall why
>> the type-checker needs to call the renamer.) So we will have
>> a TcRnError. Now we see that the desugarer ends up mixed in,
>> too. We could proceed how Alfredo suggests, by adding a
>> second IORef. Or we could just make TcRnDsError (maybe
>> renaming that).
>> What's the disadvantage? Clients will have to potentially
>> know about all the different error forms with either approach
>> (that is, using my combined type or using multiple IORefs).
>> The big advantage to separating is maybe module dependencies?
>> But my guess is that the dependencies won't be an issue here,
>> due to the fact that these components are already leaning on
>> each other. Maybe the advantage is just in having smaller
>> types? Maybe.
>> I don't have a great sense as to what to do here, but I would
>> want a clear reason that e.g. the TcRn monad would have two
>> IORefs, while other monads will work with GhcMessage (instead
>> of a whole bunch of IORefs).
>> Richard
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