Running ghc-debug on ghc

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at
Tue Mar 9 15:27:27 UTC 2021

This looks really cool!
So it’s like a debugger that can also do heap introspection profiling as a
consequence of being able to inspect the state as part of debugging?

On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 10:23 AM Matthew Pickering <
matthewtpickering at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I now have some simple instructions for running ghc-debug on GHC.
> 1. Cherry-pick 4be70967f1f1ab70cbe31aad8ae69aea87c6f4c4
> commit 4be70967f1f1ab70cbe31aad8ae69aea87c6f4c4 (HEAD ->
> wip/ghc-with-debug)
> Author: Matthew Pickering <matthewtpickering at>
> Date:   Fri Jan 8 11:26:17 2021 +0000
>     Add support for ghc-debug to ghc executable
> 2. Build GHC
> * Add the following to _build/hadrian.settings
> ```
> stage1.*.ghc.hs.opts += -finfo-table-map -fdistinct-constructor-tables
> ```
> * Build GHC as normal
> ```
> ./hadrian/build -j8
> ```
> * The result is a ghc-debug enabled compiler
> # Building a debugger
> * Use the compiler you just built to build ghc-debug
> ```
> cd ghc-debug
> cabal update
> cabal new-build debugger -w ../_build/stage1/bin/ghc
> ```
> # Running the debugger
> Modify `test/Test.hs` to implement the debugging thing you want to do.
> Perhaps
> start with `p30`, which is a program to generate a profile.
> * Start the process you want to debug
> ```
> GHC_DEBUG_SOCKET=/tmp/ghc-debug build-cabal
> ```
> * Start the debugger
> ```
> cabal new-run debugger -w ...
> ```
> * Open a ticket about the memory issue you find.
> There is the start of some more documentation here -
> These instructions are also in the file in the commit.
> Cheers,
> Matt
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