An error occurred

Ben Gamari ben at
Tue Jun 22 00:14:42 UTC 2021

Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs <ghc-devs at> writes:

> Ben
> I'm getting this error "An error occurred while fetching the job log"
> a lot when trying to look at the result of CI. It seems to come and
> go. Refreshing the browser generally does not fix it. Coming back
> later sometimes does.
> It's frustrating.  Do you have any idea what's happening or how I can avoid it?

Hi Simon,

Yes, this is indeed quite unfortunate. This is due to the DreamHost
outage [1], which has now been on-going for more than a week now. Last
week I moved the Docker images away from DreamHost to get CI moving
again, but I didn't move the logs and build artifacts away under an
assumption that the issue would have been resolved by now.

At this point I think I'm going to move away from DreamHost entirely as
I have little confidence that this issue will be resolved in the near
future. I will do this tomorrow.


- Ben

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