!RE: Implicit reboxing of unboxed tuple in let-patterns
Iavor Diatchki
iavor.diatchki at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 16:05:20 UTC 2020
there are multiple things being discussed here, which I think is leading to
some confusion, in particular:
1. How do pattern bindings work in normal Haskell? It is not the case
that only the outer pattern is lazy---when the patterns are matched depends
on how the bound variables are used. I don't think we need to make changes
2. How should patterns on unlifted types work in pattern bindings, both
nested and at the top level? This is what started this discussion
3. How should nested bang patterns work in pattern bindings? This came
out from Richard's examples in response to my suggestion on how (2) might
4. Should you always be able to replace `_` with an unused name without
changing the semantics, which also came from Richard's examples.
Going backward, here are my thoughts:
4. the answer to this should be `yes`, as it would make it consistent
with how the rest of the language works.
3. nested bang patterns in pattern bindings should count as "uses" of the
value and therefore should be strict. For example if I write `let ( !x, !y
) = undefined in ()`, I think this should be equivalent to `let (x,y) =
undefined in x `seq` y `seq` ()`. With the current behavior the bang
patterns don't do anything, while my guess would be that most people would
expect the suggested behavior instead. As usual, we should not allow that
at the top level.
2. I think that an unlifted pattern (meaning "a pattern on a value of an
unlifted type") that is only nested in other unlifted patterns should be
strict This includes top-level bindings as a special case, as they are not
nested in anything.
* For unlifted patterns nested in lifted patterns we have a choice:
2.1 I suggested that, for simplicity, these should also be strict,
so that you could just say "all unlifted patterns are strict". This would
mean that the containing (lifted) value would be always forced.
2.2 I could also see a reasonable case being made for these not
forcing the evaluation of their containing value until the unlifted value
is demanded. Perhaps this is more consistent with how the rest of the
language works, so I'd be on board with that choice too.
I think what I am suggesting is consistent with Arnaud's choice (1), except
it goes into a bit more details on how nested patterns should work.
Hope this clarifies things a bit,
On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 2:17 AM Spiwack, Arnaud <arnaud.spiwack at tweag.io>
> One thing that I had missed, until Simon pointed it out, is that in a let
> pat = … expression, only the outermost pattern of pat is lazy. So
> let (x,Just y) = (1, undefined) in x `seq` ()
> Diverges. (whereas let (x,~(Just y)) = (1, undefined) in x `seq` ())
> doesn’t).
> So, really, we are only speaking of the outermost pattern, which does
> simplify the discussion a little.
> I don’t think that I share Iavor’s concern. In fact, I’ve got to say that
> I personally don’t see (1) as meaning that the pattern is actually strict.
> I just see a lazy pattern which happens to be immediately forced, because
> an unlifted variable is bound. In this view, it doesn’t follow that the
> presence of some unlifted pattern deep inside a lazy pattern ought to force
> the pattern.
> However, if the outermost pattern is unlifted, then it’s most likely that
> it is not intended for the pattern to be lazy. From there, I see four ways
> forward:
> 1. Make let pat = … strict if the outermost pattern is unlifted
> 2. Make let pat = … emit a warning if the outermost pattern is
> unlifted, but not explicitly banged.
> 3. Decide that I’m mistaken, and that the current design is fine
> 4. Decide that I’m mistaken, and that Iavor’s design it best
> What do you think? I’ll try and make a proposal soon (unless (3) is too
> popular for a proposal to be worth it).
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 12:02 AM Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
> <http://mailto:simonpj@microsoft.com> wrote:
> I think this is the consistent way to interpret your rule (1) that
>> unlifted bindings are always strict
>> But that’s not what rule (1) says. It says that *a pattern binding is
>> strict iff it binds a variable of unlifted type*.
>> Now I think we agree that your proposal says that *a pattern binding is
>> strict iff it or any of its sub-patterns has unlifted type, *including
>> wild-cards, variables, and constructor patterns; in fact *any*
>> sub-pattern. Call that (2).
>> So
>> - (1) is *necessary*.
>> - (2) is strictly stronger, and will make fewer program defined. But
>> is perhaps less surprising.
>> I think you could make a proposal out of that if you wanted. I can’t
>> decide if I like it, myself, but I think that it, too, is simple and
>> consistent.
>> Simon
>> *From:* Iavor Diatchki <iavor.diatchki at gmail.com>
>> *Sent:* 07 September 2020 20:46
>> *To:* Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
>> *Cc:* Richard Eisenberg <rae at richarde.dev>; Spiwack, Arnaud <
>> arnaud.spiwack at tweag.io>; GHC developers <ghc-devs at haskell.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: !RE: Implicit reboxing of unboxed tuple in let-patterns
>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 5:12 AM Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs <
>> ghc-devs at haskell.org> wrote:
>> 1. I don’t understand the details of Iavor’s proposal to add that
>> “unlifted patterns are strict”, in addition to (1). Do you mean “any
>> sub-pattern of the LHS has an unlifted type”? I think this is fully
>> compatible with unlifted user defined data
>> Just (# a,b #) = e
>> would be strict. And even
>> MkT _ = e
>> would be strict if data T = MkT (# Int,Int #)
>> Yes, the first one would be strict up to the tuple, and the second one
>> would also be strict. I think this is the consistent way to interpret your
>> rule (1) that unlifted bindings are always strict, and it shouldn't really
>> matter if you used a variable pattern, or a wild card pattern. I don't
>> think there's any other part of the language where replacing a `_` with an
>> unused name changes the semantics of the program, and I don't think it
>> should in this case either.
>> Just to be fully explicit, the thing I find odd with GHC's current
>> behavior is that these two are different:
>> let MkT x = undefined in () --> undefined
>> let MkT _ = undefined in () --> ()
>> Even more explicitly:
>> let (_ :: Int#) = undefined in () --> () -- the value `undefined` is
>> not representable in type `Int#` but GHC is happy to proceed because it
>> doesn't need to represent it
>> let (x :: Int#) = undefined in () --> () -- same situation, but now
>> GHC is strict, even though it still doesn't need to represent the value.
>> I think that the consistent behavior is for all of these to diverge,
>> because laziness does not mix with unlfited values, at least in the
>> presence of non-termination.
>> -Iavor
>> *From:* ghc-devs <ghc-devs-bounces at haskell.org> *On Behalf Of *Richard
>> Eisenberg
>> *Sent:* 02 September 2020 14:47
>> *To:* Spiwack, Arnaud <arnaud.spiwack at tweag.io>
>> *Cc:* GHC developers <ghc-devs at haskell.org>
>> *Subject:* Re: Implicit reboxing of unboxed tuple in let-patterns
>> On Sep 2, 2020, at 9:39 AM, Spiwack, Arnaud <arnaud.spiwack at tweag.io>
>> wrote:
>> Ooh… pattern synonyms for unboxed tuple. I must confess that I don't know
>> what the semantics of these ought to be. It does look like an interesting
>> can of worms. How do they currently desugar?
>> Right now, there is one rule: if the type of any variable bound in the
>> pattern is unlifted, then the pattern is an unlifter-var pattern and is
>> strict. The pattern must be banged, unless the bound variable is not
>> nested. This rule is consistent across all features.
>> This thread is suggesting to add a special case -- one that seems to
>> match intuition, but it's still a special case. And my question is: should
>> the special case be for unboxed tuples? or should the special case be for
>> any pattern whose overall type is unlifted?
>> Richard
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