Search in GitLab

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at
Mon Jun 15 21:24:40 UTC 2020

|  Frankly, this makes me wonder whether we should change the output
|  produced for loops. The current error is essentially un-Googleable, as
|  we see here. I know I have personally struggled with this same issue in
|  the past.

I'd be fine with that.  <<loop>> is pretty cryptic.


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Ben Gamari <ben at>
|  Sent: 15 June 2020 18:50
|  To: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>; GHC developers <ghc-
|  devs at>
|  Subject: Re: Search in GitLab
|  Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs <ghc-devs at> writes:
|  > Does anyone know how to search better in GitLab.
|  > Currently I'm using the standard GitLab search.  I'm searching for
|  > "<<loop>>"
|  > where I intend the quotes meaning exactly that string as usual in a
|  search term.  But I get lots of results mentioning loop, without the angle
|  brackets.
|  > Moreover I want to sort the results by date or ticket number, and I
|  can't see how to do that.
|  > Does Google index our repo?  Can I use Google to search it somehow?
|  Indeed this is a hard query. It appears that the tokenizer used by
|  GitLab (or perhaps Elasticsearch, which is responsible for full-text
|  indexing) considers the angle-brackets to be token delimiters (which I
|  suppose is fair given that usually you see them used to signify
|  less-than/greater-than operators).
|  Google seems to be slightly better, returning only 10 hits. If this
|  isn't sufficient and the query is important I could run a query against
|  the database directly if you would like.
|  Frankly, this makes me wonder whether we should change the output
|  produced for loops. The current error is essentially un-Googleable, as
|  we see here. I know I have personally struggled with this same issue in
|  the past.
|  Richard, I checked on Google Search Console and it appears to be
|  indexed on a nearly-daily basis. I'm a bit surprised that you have been
|  having trouble. Do you have a specific example of a query that you have
|  been disappointed by in the past?
|  Cheers,
|  - Ben

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