GHC HEAD windows instability

Csaba Hruska csaba.hruska at
Wed Jun 3 17:39:57 UTC 2020

I built GHC HEAD on windows 10, but some time the build process got stopped
due to random crash. But when I restart the build process the error
disappears. Is this a known issue?


*Case A:*

*compiler\GHC\Driver\Session.hs:285:1: error:    Bad interface file:

hGetBuf: invalid argument (Invalid argument)    |285 | import
Control.Monad.Trans.Reader    |
error:    Bad interface file:

hGetBuf: invalid argument (Invalid argument)    |286 | import
Control.Monad.Trans.Except    |
error:    Bad interface file:

hGetBuf: invalid argument (Invalid argument)    |288 | import Data.Ord    |
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Error when running Shake build system:  at action, called at
src\Rules.hs:71:19 in main:Rules  at need, called at src\Rules.hs:93:5 in
main:Rules* Depends on:
_build/stage1/lib/package.conf.d/ghc-  at need, called
at src\Rules\Register.hs:117:5 in main:Rules.Register* Depends on:
_build/stage1/compiler/build/libHSghc-  at need, called at
src\Rules\Library.hs:209:5 in main:Rules.Library* Depends on:
_build/stage1/compiler/build/GHC/Driver/Session.o  at &%>, called at
src\Rules\Compile.hs:77:9 in main:Rules.Compile* Depends on:
_build/stage1/compiler/build/GHC/Driver/Session.hi  at cmd', called at
src\Builder.hs:291:23 in main:Builder  at cmd, called at
src\Builder.hs:376:8 in main:Builder* Raised the
exception:Development.Shake.cmd, system command failedCommand line:
_build/stage0/bin/ghc.exe -Wall -hisuf hi -osuf o -hcsuf hc -static
-hide-all-packages -no-user-package-db "-package-db
_build/stage1/lib/package.conf.d" "-this-unit-id
ghc-" "-package-id Win32-" "-package-id
array-" "-package-id base-" "-package-id binary-"
"-package-id bytestring-" "-package-id containers-"
"-package-id deepseq-" "-package-id directory-" "-package-id
filepath-" "-package-id ghc-boot-" "-package-id
ghc-boot-th-" "-package-id ghc-heap-"
"-package-id ghci-" "-package-id hpc-" "-package-id
integer-gmp-" "-package-id process-" "-package-id
template-haskell-" "-package-id time-1.9.3" "-package-id
transformers-" -i
-Iincludes -I_build/stage1/lib -I_build/stage1/compiler/build
-I_build/stage1/compiler/build/../rts/dist/build -Icompiler/.
-I_build/stage1/lib -optc-I_build/stage1/lib -optP-include
_build/stage1/compiler/build -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances
-optc-Wno-error=inline -c compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs -o
_build/stage1/compiler/build/GHC/Driver/Session.o -O0 -H64m -Wall
-Wno-name-shadowing -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances
-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances -this-unit-id ghc -XHaskell2010
-optc-DTHREADED_RTS -Wno-deprecated-flags -Wcpp-undefExit code: 1Stderr and
Stdout:compiler\GHC\Driver\Session.hs:285:1: error:    Bad interface file:

hGetBuf: invalid argument (Invalid argument)    |285 | import
Control.Monad.Trans.Reader    |
error:    Bad interface file:

hGetBuf: invalid argument (Invalid argument)    |286 | import
Control.Monad.Trans.Except    |
error:    Bad interface file:

hGetBuf: invalid argument (Invalid argument)    |288 | import Data.Ord    |

*Case B:*

*Access violation in generated code when writing 0x0 Attempting to
reconstruct a stack trace...   Frame        Code address * 0x3eadb00
0x3eadb08    0x2e12c89
0x3eadb10    0x4 * 0x3eadb18    0x7c411e1 * 0x3eadb20    0x3665e20
0x3eadb28    0x5c2abd0 * 0x3eadb30    0x9ec8010 * 0x3eadb38    0x3fc3c70 *
0x3eadb40    0x5c00320033006d * 0x3eadb48    0x33004d004d0049 * 0x3eadb50
 0x4c0044002e0032 * 0x3eadb58    0x4cError when running Shake build
system:  at action, called at src\Rules.hs:71:19 in main:Rules  at need,
called at src\Rules.hs:93:5 in main:Rules* Depends on:
_build/stage1/lib/package.conf.d/directory-  at apply1, called
at src\Development\Shake\Internal\Rules\Oracle.hs:159:32 in
Depends on: OracleQ (ContextDataKey (Context {stage = Stage1, package =
Package {pkgType = Library, pkgName = "directory", pkgPath =
"libraries/directory"}, way = v}))  at need, called at
src\Hadrian\Oracles\Cabal\Rules.hs:53:9 in
main:Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal.Rules* Depends on:
_build/stage1/libraries/directory/setup-config  at need, called at
src\Rules\Library.hs:214:18 in main:Rules.Library* Depends on:
_build/stage1/libraries/time/build/HStime-1.9.3.o  at need, called at
src\Rules\Library.hs:165:5 in main:Rules.Library* Depends on:
_build/stage1/libraries/time/build/Data/Time/Format/Format/Class.o  at &%>,
called at src\Rules\Compile.hs:77:9 in main:Rules.Compile* Depends on:
_build/stage1/libraries/time/build/Data/Time/Format/Format/Class.hi  at
cmd', called at src\Builder.hs:291:23 in main:Builder  at cmd, called at
src\Builder.hs:376:8 in main:Builder* Raised the
exception:Development.Shake.cmd, system command failedCommand line:
_build/stage0/bin/ghc.exe -Wall -hisuf hi -osuf o -hcsuf hc -static
-hide-all-packages -no-user-package-db "-package-db
_build/stage1/lib/package.conf.d" "-this-unit-id time-1.9.3" "-package-id
Win32-" "-package-id base-" "-package-id deepseq-" -i
-Iincludes -I_build/stage1/lib -I_build/stage1/libraries/time/build
-I_build/stage1/lib -optc-I_build/stage1/lib -optP-include
-optP_build/stage1/libraries/time/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -outputdir
_build/stage1/libraries/time/build -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances
-optc-Wno-error=inline -c
libraries/time/lib/Data/Time/Format/Format/Class.hs -o
_build/stage1/libraries/time/build/Data/Time/Format/Format/Class.o -O0
-H64m -Wall -fwarn-tabs -XHaskell2010 -XRank2Types -XDeriveDataTypeable
-XStandaloneDeriving -XCPP
-Wno-deprecated-flagsExit code: 11Stderr and Stdout:Access violation in
generated code when writing 0x0 Attempting to reconstruct a stack trace...
 Frame        Code address * 0x3eadb00    0x3063b36
0x3eadb08    0x2e12c89
0x3eadb10    0x4 * 0x3eadb18    0x7c411e1 * 0x3eadb20    0x3665e20
0x3eadb28    0x5c2abd0 * 0x3eadb30    0x9ec8010 * 0x3eadb38    0x3fc3c70 *
0x3eadb40    0x5c00320033006d * 0x3eadb48    0x33004d004d0049 * 0x3eadb50
 0x4c0044002e0032 * 0x3eadb58    0x4c*
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