Free dictionary variables in elaborated core expressions

Yiyun Liu liuyiyun at
Mon Feb 3 18:27:31 UTC 2020

Thanks for having the patience to read through my code! That's exactly 
what I was missing. I did print out the return value in my debug code at 
some point, but the prettyprinter only shows the suffix of the 
dictionary variable without the rhs so I totally missed it.

Also, I noticed that simplifyInteractive actually returns an empty bag 
in the (\x -> x + 1) example I gave, and I actually ended up using the 
EvBinds returned by simplifyInfer to add the let binding:

*    (_, _, evbs, residual, _) <- simplifyInfer tclvl**
**                                            infer_mode**
**                                            []**
**                                            [(fresh_it, res_ty)]**
**                                            lie**
**    evbs' <- perhaps_disable_default_warnings $ simplifyInteractive 

*    let full_expr = ***(mkHsDictLet (EvBinds evbs') (mkHsDictLet evbs 

*    zonkTopLExpr  full_expr


- Yiyun

On 2/3/20 4:18 AM, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
> In your code (elabRnExpr) you have
> _ <- perhaps_disable_default_warnings $ simplifyInteractive residual
> You’ll notice that
> simplifyInteractive :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
> So you are discarding the “evidence bindings” returned by 
> simplifyInteractive.  Those are precisely the bindings of the 
> dictionaries (dictionaries are a form of “evidence”) that you need.  
> Don’t discard them.
> Untested:
> ev_binds <- perhaps_disable_default_warnings $ simplifyInteractive 
> residual
> let full_expr = mkHsDictLet (EvBinds ev_binds) tc_expr
> zonkTopLExpr full_expr
> Simon
> *From:*ghc-devs <ghc-devs-bounces at> *On Behalf Of *Yiyun Liu
> *Sent:* 03 February 2020 02:03
> *To:* ghc-devs at
> *Cc:* James Parker <jp at>
> *Subject:* Free dictionary variables in elaborated core expressions
> Hi ghc-devs,
> About 10 days ago, I made a thread about defining a function called 
> elaborateExpr which turns a string into a core expression 
> <> 
> within an interactive context. Now here's an unexpected behavior which 
> I'm not sure how to deal with.
> Given the expression:
> (\x -> x + 1) :: Int -> Int
> I expect to get something that looks like:
> \ (x :: Int) -> + @ Int GHC.Num.$fNumInt x (GHC.Types.I# 1#)
> where GHC.Num.$fNumInt is the exported dictionary.
> What I actually get is something like this:
> \ (x :: Int) -> + @ Int $dNum_someuniqueid x (GHC.Types.I# 1#)
> where $dNum_someuniqueid is a free dictionary variable within the 
> expression.
> I was confused by the occurrence of the free variable $dNum at first, 
> but after running the command: "ghc -ddump-ds-preopt somefile.hs" to 
> dump the core bindings, I found that the dictionary variables like 
> $dNum_ are actually local variables defined at the top-level.
> My objective is to inline those top-level dictionary definitions into 
> the core expression using let bindings, but it seems tricky since I'm 
> doing everything within an interactive context.  Calling getBindings 
> <> 
> only gives me the expression I elaborated, but the dictionary is no 
> where to be found.
> Interestingly, when I turn on flags such as "DeferTypedHoles" or 
> "DeferOutOfScopeVariables", all the dictionaries are defined locally 
> in let bindings. However, I can't replicate that behavior even with 
> the flags on in the interactive context. How do I find the dictionaries?
> Thanks,
> - Yiyun
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