[hadrian/macos] build broken

Shayne Fletcher shayne.fletcher at daml.com
Wed May 22 17:56:13 UTC 2019

Here you go Alp https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/16685. Hope this

On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 1:41 PM Alp Mestanogullari <alp at well-typed.com>

> Hello!
> Could you create a ticket about this with all the relevant details (OS X
> version, boot ghc version, commit, hadrian command, etc), and the 'hadrian'
> label? You should even feel free to mention @snowleopard and @alp there.
> Cheers
> On 22/05/2019 19:37, Shayne Fletcher via ghc-devs wrote:
> I'm trying to isolate the commit that's causing this, but the deal is on
> MacOS I'm seeing stage1 `ld` crashes linking `HStime`:
> ```
> 0  0x1052e2748  __assert_rtn + 129
> 1  0x1052be30f  ld::Fixup::Fixup(unsigned int, ld::Fixup::Cluster,
> ld::Fixup::Kind, bool, char const*) + 95
> 2  0x1052e8736  mach_o::relocatable::Parser<x86_64>::addFixup(mach_o::relocatable::Parser<x86_64>::SourceLocation
> const&, ld::Fixup::Cluster, ld::Fixup::Kind, bool, char const*) + 34
> 3  0x1052eaa9c  mach_o::relocatable::Section<x86_64>::addRelocFixup(mach_o::relocatable::Parser<x86_64>&,
> macho_relocation_info<Pointer64<LittleEndian> > const*) + 1722
> 4  0x1052ff61b  mach_o::relocatable::Section<x86_64>::makeFixups(mach_o::relocatable::Parser<x86_64>&,
> mach_o::relocatable::Parser<x86_64>::CFI_CU_InfoArrays const&) + 105
> 5  0x1052faa66  mach_o::relocatable::Parser<x86_64>::parse(mach_o::relocatable::ParserOptions
> const&) + 2120
> 6  0x1052f1250  mach_o::relocatable::Parser<x86_64>::parse(unsigned char
> const*, unsigned long long, char const*, long, ld::File::Ordinal,
> mach_o::relocatable::ParserOptions const&) + 282
> 7  0x10534352a  ld::tool::InputFiles::makeFile(Options::FileInfo const&,
> bool) + 808
> 8  0x105345f22  ld::tool::InputFiles::parseWorkerThread() + 530
> 9  0x7fff70a6b2eb  _pthread_body + 126
> 10  0x7fff70a6e249  _pthread_start + 66
> A linker snapshot was created at:
> /tmp/HStime-1.9.2.o-2019-04-22-132113.ld-snapshot
> ld: Assertion failed: (name != NULL), function Fixup, file
> /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/ld64/ld64-450.3/src/ld/ld.hpp, line
> 724.
> ```
> I can replicate this on multiple machines and different versions of xcode
> command line tools.
> Any ideas?
> --
> Shayne Fletcher
> Language Engineer
> c: +1 917 699 7763
> e: shayne.fletcher at daml.com
> Digital Asset Holdings, LLC
> 4 World Trade Center                                        150 Greenwich
> Street, 47th Floor
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> --
> Alp Mestanogullari, Haskell Consultant
> Well-Typed LLP, https://www.well-typed.com/
> Registered in England and Wales, OC335890
> 118 Wymering Mansions, Wymering Road, London, W9 2NF, England
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Shayne Fletcher
Language Engineer
c: +1 917 699 7763
e: shayne.fletcher at daml.com
Digital Asset Holdings, LLC
4 World Trade Center                                        150 Greenwich
Street, 47th Floor
New York, NY 10007, USA
digitalasset.com <http://www.digitalasset.com/>

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may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or proprietary 
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