
Ben Gamari ben at
Thu Jan 10 17:40:47 UTC 2019

Evan Laforge <qdunkan at> writes:

> On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 8:54 PM Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at> wrote:
>> |  > When submitting a review, I often want to add an overall comment, not
>> |  related to  a particular line of code?  How do I do that?
>> |
>> |  I do that by going back to the "Discussion" tab and adding something at the
>> |  bottom.
>> But alas then it does not form part of the review, landing as a single email. It becomes a separate, disconnected comment.
> As far as I can tell, Gitlab doesn't really have a concept of a
> review, it's just big pile of disconnected comments... or rather,
> they're just all connected to the MR.

This isn't quite true. Transactional reviews were added in GitLab 11.4
[1]. That being said, the connection between the comments in a review is
a bit looser than it was in Phabricator.


- Ben

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