Perf metrics

Ben Gamari ben at
Fri Dec 20 16:38:28 UTC 2019

Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs <ghc-devs at> writes:

> |  Hmm, it really should be a distinct block of output. Are you saying
> |  that
> |  you are seeing lines of unrelated output interspersed in the
> |  performance
> |  metrics table?
> Yes, just so.  I attach the tail of the validate run.
Ahh, I see what is happening here. This is due to interleaving of stdout
(where the performance metrics are printed) and stderr (where exceptions
are printed). This is indeed quite unfortunate. I'm not entirely sure

> |  The suggested command will fetch up-to-date performance metrics from
> |  the
> |  metrics repository (populated by CI). If you then run the testsuite
> |  again you will see output comparing each test's output to the baseline
> |  from CI. For instance,
> Aha, I'll try that. I missed those words. But actually the words don't
> say "run validate again to see the differences". They say "a baseline
> may be recovered from ci results once fetched" which is a deeply
> cryptic utterance.
> Also, does it make sense to spit out all these numbers if they are
> useless? Better, perhaps in the overall SUMMARY (at the end of
> validate) to
We started emitting these metrics at the end of the log because they can
be quite handy when diagnosing performance changes in CI. However we
have recently started dumping the metrics to a file which is uploaded as
an artifact from the CI job, so perhaps this is no longer necessary.

>  - Have a section for perf tests, along with "Unexpected passes" 
>    and "Unexpected failure" we can have "Unexpected perf failures"

>  - In that section, if there is no baseline data, put the words that
>    explain how to get it.
A fair suggestion. I will try to get to this soon.


- Ben
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