A few questions about BuiltInSynFamily/CoAxiomRules

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Wed Aug 28 07:52:14 UTC 2019

Thanks Iavor for your reply -- all correct I think.  Re

|  This is the basic idea, but axioms are encoded in a slightly different
|  way---instead of being parameterized by just types, they  are
|  parameterized by equalities (the reason for this is what I seem to have
|  forgotten, or perhaps it changed).

you'll find the reason documented in TyCoRep
	Note [Coercion axioms applied to coercions]

There are other useful Notes in that file about axioms.

Jan: if you would care to document some of this in a way that makes sense to you, you could add a new Note.  That would help everyone!


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: ghc-devs <ghc-devs-bounces at haskell.org> On Behalf Of Iavor Diatchki
|  Sent: 28 August 2019 01:12
|  To: Jan van Brügge <jan at vanbruegge.de>
|  Cc: ghc-devs at haskell.org
|  Subject: Re: A few questions about BuiltInSynFamily/CoAxiomRules
|  Hello Jan,
|  I think I added these sometime ago, and here is what I recall:
|    * `sfInteractTop` and `sfInteractInert` are to help with type inference:
|       they generate new "derived" constraints, which are used by GHC to
|  instantiate unification variables.
|         - `sfInteractTop` is for facts you can get just by looking at a
|  single constraint.  For example, if we see `(x + 5) ~ 8` we can generate a
|  new derived constraint `x ~ 3`
|         - `sfInteractIntert` is for facts that you can get by looking at
|  two constraints together.  For example, if we see `(x + a ~ z, x + b ~ x)`
|  we can generate new derived constraint `a ~ b`.
|       - since "derived" constraint do not need evidence, these are just
|  equations.
|    * `sfMatchFun` is used to evaluate built-in type families.  For example
|  if we see `5 + 3`, we'd like ghc to reduce this to `8`.
|       - you are correct that the input list are the arguments (e.g.,
|  `[5,3]`)
|       - the result is `Just` if we can perform an evaluation step, and the
|  3-tuple contains:
|           1. the axiom rule to be used in the evidence (e.g. "AddDef")
|           2. indexes for the axiom rule (e.g.,"[5,3]")  (see below for more
|  info)
|           3. the result of evaluation (e.g., "8")
|  Part 2 is probably the most confusing, and I think it might have changed a
|  bit since I did it, or perhaps I just forgot some of the details. Either
|  way, this is best explained with
|  an example.   The question is "What should be the evidence for `3 + 5 ~
|  8`?".
|  In ordinary math one could do a proof by induction, but we don't really
|  represent numbers in the unary notation and we don't have a way to
|  represent inductive proofs in GHC, so instead we decided to have an
|  indexed family of axioms, kind of like this:
|     * AddDef(3,5)  : `(3 + 5) ~ 8`
|     * AddDef(2,1) : `(2 + 1) ~ 3`
|      * ...
|  So the types in the second element of the tuple are these indexes that
|  tell you how to instantiate the rule.
|  This is the basic idea, but axioms are encoded in a slightly different
|  way---instead of being parameterized by just types, they  are
|  parameterized by equalities (the reason for this is what I seem to have
|  forgotten, or perhaps it changed).
|  So the `CoAxiomRules` actually look like this:
|     * AddDef: (x ~ 3, y ~ 5) => (x + y ~ 8)
|  When we evaluate we always seem to be passing trivial (i.e., "refl")
|  equalities constructed using the second entry in the tuple.  For example,
|  if `sfMathcFun` returns `Just (axiom, [t1,t2], result)`, then the result
|  will be `result`, and the evidence that `MyFun args ~ result` will be
|  `axiom (refl @ t1, refl @ t2)`
|  You can see the actual code for this if you look for `sfMatchFun` in
|  `types/FamInstEnv.hs`.
|  I hope this makes sense, but please ask away if it is unclear.  And, of
|  course, it would be great to document this properly.
|  -Iavor
|  On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 3:57 PM Jan van Brügge <jan at vanbruegge.de> wrote:
|  >
|  > Hi lovely people,
|  >
|  > sorry if my recent emails are getting annoying.
|  >
|  > In the last few days I refactored my code to use `BuiltInSynFamily`
|  > and `CoAxiomRule` to replace what was very ad-hoc code. So far so
|  > easy. But I have a few questions due to sparse documentation.
|  >
|  > First, about `BuiltInSynFamily`. It is a record of three functions.
|  > From what I can tell by looking at `TcTypeNats`, the two `interact`
|  > functions are used to solve the argument parts of builtin families
|  > based on known results. `interactTop` seems to simply constraints on
|  > their own, `interactInert` seems to simplify based on being given two
|  > similar contraints.
|  >
|  > By big questions is what exactly `matchFam` does. The argument seems
|  > to be the arguments to the type family, but the tuple in the result is
|  > less clear. The axiom rule is the proof witness, the second argument I
|  > guess is the type arguments you actually care about? What is this used
|  for?
|  > The last one should be the result type.
|  >
|  > Attached to that, what are the garantuees about the list of types that
|  > you get? I assumed at first they were all flattened, but my other type
|  > family is not. I am talking about this piece of code here:
|  >
|  > ```
|  > matchFamRnil :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
|  > matchFamRnil [] = Just (axRnilDef, [], mkRowTy k v [])
|  >     where binders = mkTemplateKindTyConBinders [liftedTypeKind,
|  > liftedTypeKind]
|  >           [k, v] = map (mkTyVarTy . binderVar) binders matchFamRnil _
|  > = Nothing
|  >
|  >
|  > matchFamRowExt :: [Type] -> Maybe (CoAxiomRule, [Type], Type)
|  > matchFamRowExt [_k, _v, x, y, row@(RowTy (MkRowTy k v flds))] = Just
|  > (axRowExtDef, [x, y, row], RowTy (MkRowTy k v $ (x, y):flds))
|  > matchFamRowExt [k, v, x, y, _rnil] = Just (axRowExtRNilDef, [k, v],
|  > RowTy (MkRowTy k v [(x, y)])) matchFamRowExt _ = Nothing
|  >
|  > ```
|  >
|  > I needed an extra `_rnil` case  in `matchFamRowExt` because `RowExt
|  > "foo" Int RNil` did not match the first pattern match (the dumped list
|  > I got was `[Symbol, Type, "foo", Int, RNil]`). Also, is there a better
|  > way to conjure up polykinded variables out of the blue or is this
|  > fine? I thought about leaving off that info from the type, but then I
|  > would have the same question when trying to implement `typeKind` or
|  > `tcTypeKind` (for a non-empty row I can use the kinds of the head of
|  > the list, for an empty one I would need polykinded variables)
|  >
|  > My last question is about CoAxiomRules. The note says that they
|  > represent "forall as. (r1 ~ r2, s1 ~ s2) => t1 ~ t2", but it is not
|  > clear for me in what relation the constraints on the left are with the
|  > right. From the typeNats it looks like `t1` is the type family applied
|  > to the `_1` arguments and `t2` is the calculated result using the `_2`
|  > arguments. Why are we not getting just a list of types as inputs? Is
|  > the `_1` always a unification/type variable and not really a type you
|  > can use to calculate stuff? Also, if I extrapolate my observations to
|  > type families without arguments, I would assume that I do not have
|  > constraints on the left hand side as `t1` would be the family appied
|  > to the arguments (none) and `t2` would be the calculated result from
|  > the `_2` args (I do not need anything to return an empty row). Is this
|  > correct or am I horribly wrong?
|  >
|  >
|  > Thanks for your time listening to my questions, maybe I can open a PR
|  > with a bit of documentation with eventual answers.
|  >
|  > Cheers,
|  > Jan
|  >
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