How to distinguish local ids from imported ones in Stg? Confused about isLocalId/isLocalVar

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at
Fri Nov 23 15:02:14 UTC 2018

|      After CoreTidy, top-level LocalIds are turned into GlobalIds
|  I'm wondering why we have to turn LocalIds into GlobalIds after simplification.

The original reason was this: after TidyPgm we extract the binders and put them into a TypeEnv for the module that is used when compiling other modules (in --make and GHCi).   So the Id was "local" for this module but it is "global" for others.  At some point that transition must be made, and that's where it happens right now.

HOWEVER, separately you are working to get arity and CAF info from the final, downstream STG world.  (I forget the ticket.)  So the output of TidyPgm is *not* the utterly-final Id.  Somehow that info from downstream needs to get into the interface file, and into the TypeEnv used for subsequent modules.

So we could use that moment, when building that final TypeEnv, to turn the LocalId into a GlobalId.  And that would indeed be cleaner; and would solve your problem.

Make a ticket to document the idea? I suspect it should follow the "get CAF/arity from downstream" patch.   How is that going?


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: ghc-devs <ghc-devs-bounces at> On Behalf Of Ömer Sinan
|  Agacan
|  Sent: 20 November 2018 08:48
|  To: ghc-devs <ghc-devs at>
|  Subject: How to distinguish local ids from imported ones in Stg? Confused
|  about isLocalId/isLocalVar
|  Hi,
|  I just found out that semantics of isLocalId/isLocalVar change during
|  compilation. I realized this the hard way (after some debugging) but later
|  realized that this is documented in this note: (the last line)
|      Note [GlobalId/LocalId]
|      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|      A GlobalId is
|        * always a constant (top-level)
|        * imported, or data constructor, or primop, or record selector
|        * has a Unique that is globally unique across the whole
|          GHC invocation (a single invocation may compile multiple modules)
|        * never treated as a candidate by the free-variable finder;
|              it's a constant!
|      A LocalId is
|        * bound within an expression (lambda, case, local let(rec))
|        * or defined at top level in the module being compiled
|        * always treated as a candidate by the free-variable finder
|      After CoreTidy, top-level LocalIds are turned into GlobalIds
|  So after after simplification we can't distinguish a local id from an
|  imported one.
|  Apparently I'm not the only one who was confused by this. In StgLint we
|  check in-scope variables with this:
|      checkInScope :: Id -> LintM ()
|      checkInScope id = LintM $ \_lf loc scope errs
|       -> if isLocalId id && not (id `elemVarSet` scope) then
|              ((), addErr errs (hsep [ppr id, dcolon, ppr (idType id),
|                                      text "is out of scope"]) loc)
|          else
|              ((), errs)
|  Note that isLocalId here returns false for local but top-level bindings.
|  Because of this if I drop some top-level bindings in the module I don't get
|  a lint error even though some ids become unbound.
|  I need to distinguish a top-level bound id from an imported id for two
|  things:
|  - I want to make sure, in StgLint, that bindings in the Stg program are in
|    dependency order (uses come after definitions). For this I need to treat
|    imported ids as already bound, but for top-level bound ids I need to
|  check if
|    I already saw the definition.
|  - I want to run an analysis to map top-level bindings to whether they can
|    contain CAF refs. For this for a top-level bound id I should check the
|    environment, but for imported ids I should check idInfo.
|  The second analysis depends on the first property for efficiency. I could
|  assume that the first property holds and then always check the environment
|  first in the analysis, and treat ids that are not in the environment as
|  imported, but that seems fragile.
|  I'm wondering why we have to turn LocalIds into GlobalIds after
|  simplification.
|  The note doesn't explain the reasoning. Would it be possible to preserve
|  idScope of ids during the whole compilation?
|  Thanks,
|  Ömer
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