Are join points inlined differently from normal bindings?

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at
Tue Jan 16 14:21:53 UTC 2018

| 1. Does the inliner treat join point bindings differently to normal
| bindings?

I don't think so.  Use -dverbose-core2core -ddump-inlinings -ddump-occur-anal to see exactly what is getting inlined and why.

| 2. How can I stop the compiler introducing this join point which seems to
| get in the way of the inliner?

I don't think you can.  I don't see why they should get in the way ... quite the reverse actually.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at] On Behalf Of Matthew
| Pickering
| Sent: 16 January 2018 11:16
| To: GHC developers <ghc-devs at>
| Subject: Are join points inlined differently from normal bindings?
| I have quite a complicated program which relies on the optimiser inlining
| very aggressively.
| In 8.0.2, it works fine and produces the core I am expecting.
| In 8.2.2, one of the bindings is identified as a join point and then not
| inlined when doing so would lead to the same code. Bumping the unfolding-
| use-threshold to 10 (from 8) causes it to be inlined and produces the
| right core.
| Here is the core for reference -
| af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636516982263961282&sdata=W59V18L00glmNB7XCKB
| B90hTEU3QrgiT9rhGgO2ezec%3D&reserved=0
| I haven't dug into which exact part of my program introduces this join
| point but this seems like a regression from 8.0.2.
| However, I make a mailing list post as I unsure how to expect the inliner
| to treat join points.
| Questions.
| 1. Does the inliner treat join point bindings differently to normal
| bindings?
| 2. How can I stop the compiler introducing this join point which seems to
| get in the way of the inliner?
| | Cheers,
| Matt
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