Determine instance method from class method callsite
Simon Peyton Jones
simonpj at
Fri Oct 20 13:42:38 UTC 2017
| lookupInstEnv from the InstEnv module seemed to do it, but it seems to
| look up the matching key from a set of instEnv keys and not anything
| that contains the instance bindr. Not sure.
I couldn't understand this. lookupInstEnv is probably what you want. It returns a ClsInstLookupResult
type InstMatch = (ClsInst, [DFunInstType])
type ClsInstLookupResult
= ( [InstMatch] -- Successful matches
, [ClsInst] -- These don't match but do unify
, [InstMatch] ) -- Unsafe overlapped instances under Safe Haskell
-- (see Note [Safe Haskell Overlapping Instances] in
-- TcSimplify).
Inside the ClsInst of the InstMatches you'll find a DFunId, which is (I think) what you are after.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at] On Behalf Of
| Tillmann Vogt via ghc-devs
| Sent: 19 October 2017 18:13
| To: ghc-devs at
| Subject: Re: Determine instance method from class method callsite
| I have the same problem with a compiler plugin that I am writing.
| In GHC Core I need to get from a dict-fun identifier (e.g.
| $fMyClassDouble to the type class instance bindr (starting with $c).
| lookupInstEnv from the InstEnv module seemed to do it, but it seems to
| look up the matching key from a set of instEnv keys and not anything
| that contains the instance bindr. Not sure.
| Where is the dictionary lookup that gives me the bindr?
| What I did so far:
| evalExpr :: DynFlags -> ModGuts -> CoreExpr -> Var -> CoreM NodeType
| evalExpr dflags guts (Var iD) v = do
| hsc_env <- getHscEnv
| eps <- liftIO (hscEPS hsc_env)
| let instEnvs = InstEnvs (eps_inst_env eps)
| (mg_inst_env guts)
| (mkModuleSet (dep_orphs (mg_deps guts)))
| let ty = tyConAppTyCon_maybe (idType iD)
| let cl = fromJust (tyConClass_maybe (fromJust ty))
| let tys = snd (splitTyConApp (idType iD))
| let (matches,_,_) | isDictId iD = lookupInstEnv False instEnvs cl
| tys
| | otherwise = ([],[],[])
| let inst = map (nameStableString . varName . is_dfun . fst) matches
| liftIO $ B.appendFile ("debug.txt") (B.pack (show inst))
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