Trees that Grow and constraints

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at
Mon Nov 13 12:26:00 UTC 2017

Where specifying the type instance with a wild card keeps GHC happy (the XXOverLit case), but specifying for each of the three constructors for pass does not (the XEOverLit case)
Well, of course!  The derived data instance looks something like

instance (Data (GhcPass p)) => Data (Experiment (GhcPass p)) where
   gfoldl = ….Needs (Data (XEOverLit (GhcPass p)))…

How can GHC solve the wanted constraint
            Data (XEOverlit (GhcPass p))

With three equations, it can’t. With one, it can.

So why not use one?


From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alan & Kim Zimmerman
Sent: 13 November 2017 09:24
To: ghc-devs at
Subject: Trees that Grow and constraints

At the moment the Trees that Grow implementation in GHC master makes use of massive constraint types to provide Data instances for the hsSyn AST.
I am trying to remove the need for this, and have hit a problem.
The example I have reduced it to is here [1]
The essence of the problem is

data Experiment p
  = Experiment {
      e_ext :: (XEOverLit p),
      e_val :: Int }
  | XExperiment (XXOverLit p)
deriving instance (Data (GhcPass p)) => Data (Experiment (GhcPass p))

type family XEOverLit  x
type family XXOverLit x

-- The following line works
-- type instance XEOverLit (GhcPass _) = PlaceHolder

-- The following 3 lines do noe
type instance XEOverLit (GhcPass 'Parsed     ) = PlaceHolder
type instance XEOverLit (GhcPass 'Renamed    ) = PlaceHolder
type instance XEOverLit (GhcPass 'Typechecked) = PlaceHolder

type instance XXOverLit (GhcPass _) = PlaceHolder

Where specifying the type instance with a wild card keeps GHC happy (the XXOverLit case), but specifying for each of the three constructors for pass does not (the XEOverLit case)

The exact error message is

Experiment.hs:34:1: error:
    • Could not deduce (Data (XEOverLit (GhcPass p)))
        arising from a use of ‘k’
      from the context: Data (GhcPass p)
        bound by the instance declaration at Experiment.hs:34:1-69
    • In the first argument of ‘k’, namely ‘(z Experiment `k` a1)’
      In the expression: ((z Experiment `k` a1) `k` a2)
      In an equation for ‘gfoldl’:
          gfoldl k z Experiment a1 a2 = ((z Experiment `k` a1) `k` a2)
      When typechecking the code for ‘gfoldl’
        in a derived instance for ‘Data (Experiment (GhcPass p))’:
        To see the code I am typechecking, use -ddump-deriv
34 | deriving instance (Data (GhcPass p)) => Data (Experiment (GhcPass p))
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



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