Which stable GHC release is expected to have support for linear types?

Bardur Arantsson spam at scientician.net
Sat Jul 15 08:57:19 UTC 2017

On 2017-07-14 21:59, Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 14.07.2017, 06:42 +0200 schrieb Bardur Arantsson:
>> On 2017-07-14 01:26, Mike Ledger wrote:
>>> How about: -+
>>> It almost looks arrow like if you squint, and have a font that lines
>>> up the horizontal lines.
>> This may play havoc with programming fonts with ligatures where it
>> might be rendered as a single ± symbol.
>> (I haven't tested any of the fonts, I'm just saying it _could_ be an
>> issue.)
> I would expect such fonts to translate “+-”, not “-+”, into “±”.

Maybe, but it seems a bit fragile to me...

What about -*? At least there's no ambiguity there.


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