Which stable GHC release is expected to have support for linear types?

Wolfgang Jeltsch wolfgang-it at jeltsch.info
Mon Jul 10 15:55:46 UTC 2017

I was finally able to get GHC with the linear types extension running.
There is one bit missing though: How do I enable this extension?
Apparently there is no extension whose name starts with “Linear”, and
when quickly skimming through the list of extensions available for auto-
completion in GHCi, I could not find anything related to linear types.
All the best,
Am Mittwoch, den 05.07.2017, 16:20 +0000 schrieb Edvard Hübinette:
> Hi Wolfgang, 
> I've put together a small README for getting this up and running (both
> for using stack with pre-built Docker images, and from source). It can
> be found in the repository here: https://github.com/tweag/ghc/tree/lin
> ear-types.
> Hope this will help!
> Cheers,
> Edvard Hübinette
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