Navigating GHC proposals

Richard Eisenberg rae at
Mon Jan 9 21:46:04 UTC 2017

> On Jan 9, 2017, at 11:03 AM, Simon Marlow <marlowsd at> wrote:
> The constraint-vs-type proposal seems a little bit weird in that it actually has a branch in the ghc-proposals repository itself, rather than being a pull request from a fork in @goldfire's account.  Richard, was that intentional?

I like to use GitHub's edit-in-place feature. Previously, I could write my proposal and then GitHub would prepare the pull request by automatically forking the repository (if I hadn't already), making a branch in my own fork, and then posting the PR. Now, however, because I have commit access to ghc-proposals, it only allows me to automatically create a branch at ghc-proposals/ghc-proposals, not goldfirere/ghc-proposals. Was this choice intentional? Not quite -- I didn't originally want to do it this way. But I did know what I was doing when I clicked "go". In retrospect, if all the committee members wrote proposals the way I did, it would clutter ghc-proposals. I'll avoid this in the future, now that I know GitHub won't automatically do what I want when I have commit access.

And I've added a link from the rendered version back to the PR. I do think this is a good practice but it must be manually done.


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