GHC API 7.10 -> 8.0.1 (unusable due to missing or recursive dependencies)

A.M. agentm at
Sat Jan 7 03:00:49 UTC 2017


I am migrating a use of the GHC API from GHC 7.10 to GHC 8.0.1 and have
hit an issue whereby importing pre-compiled libraries spits out:

package testhsscript-0.1-CQQKGzp5pWwBmTnAldv1Hk is unusable due to
missing or recursive dependencies:
  Glob-0.7.13-2PN6d9dpHzz7DHotD0T0wu base-

though these packages are indeed in the sandbox and listed with
ExposePackage in the packageFlags. To be clear, a variant of this code
worked as expected under GHC 7.10.

I have created a simplified test case to demonstrate the issue:

Here is the meat of the problem:

* lib/Test.hs - contains a module importing Glob with some functions of
no consequence

* test.hs includes the GHC API call to load the precompiled Test module
from the cabal sandbox

* cabal file has two targets: Library and executable "test"- the
executable uses the GHC API to load the pacakge "testhsscript"

For reference, here is the GHC API invocation which works under GHC 7.10:

I suspect I am missing something basic that has changed in GHC 8 and
would very much appreciate any tips.

Here is the failing result of attempting to load the testhsscript package:

Setting up HscEnv
Using binary package database:
Using binary package database:
loading package database
package testhsscript-0.1-CQQKGzp5pWwBmTnAldv1Hk is unusable due to
missing or recursive dependencies:
  Glob-0.7.13-2PN6d9dpHzz7DHotD0T0wu base-
package Glob-0.7.13-2PN6d9dpHzz7DHotD0T0wu is unusable due to missing or
recursive dependencies:
  base- containers- directory-
dlist- filepath-
transformers- transformers-compat-
package ghc-paths- is unusable due to
missing or recursive dependencies:
package mtl-2.2.1-6qsR1PHUy5lL47Hpoa4jCM is unusable due to missing or
recursive dependencies:
  base- transformers-
package dlist- is unusable due to missing
or recursive dependencies:
  base- deepseq-
package transformers-compat- is unusable
due to missing or recursive dependencies:
  base- ghc-prim- transformers-
loading package database /opt/ghc/8.0.1/lib/ghc-8.0.1/package.conf.d
test: <command line>: cannot satisfy dlist:
    dlist- is unusable due to missing or
recursive dependencies:
      base- deepseq-
    (use -v for more information)


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