GHC typecheck API
Simon Peyton Jones
simonpj at
Fri Dec 1 12:03:30 UTC 2017
There does seem to be a significant performance reduction with -fdefer-type-errors:<>
That’s odd. I would expect zero effect if there aren’t any errors, and not much even if ther are. It’s not clear whether the report is to do with compile time or runtime.
If you can boil down a test case, maybe a ticket would be good
From: Christopher Done [mailto:chrisdone at]
Sent: 01 December 2017 12:01
To: Németh Boldizsár <nboldi at>
Cc: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at>; ghc-devs at
Subject: Re: GHC typecheck API
We're currently experimenting with this for Intero. There does seem to be a significant performance reduction with -fdefer-type-errors:<>
It's a classic cost benefit scenario: the benefits are much more type info available, including go to definition and things like that being more immediately up to date. The cost is having to wait more time.
I believe if there's a good compromise to this, it'll probably involve sometimes enabling -fdefer-type-errors and most of the time turning it off for immediate feedback.
On 1 December 2017 at 02:49, Németh Boldizsár <nboldi at<mailto:nboldi at>> wrote:
Thank you for the suggestions!
Setting the -fdefer-type-errors flag is indeed a good way to do it (with also adding Opt_DeferTypedHoles and Opt_DeferOutOfScopeVariables for other kind of errors).
2017.12.01. 4:12 keltezéssel, Christopher Done írta:
I suppose setting -fdefer-type-errors would also be handy in this scenario!
On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 at 15:37, Simon Peyton Jones via ghc-devs <ghc-devs at<mailto:ghc-devs at>> wrote:
This sounds like a good project!
For the most part things look good:
* Most type checker errors arise from *type constraints*. The type checkder tries to solve these, but returns an elaborated syntax tree (i.e. typechecked, and annotated with types) even if constraint solving fails.
* Some renamer errors are like this, notably out-of-scope variables. (They just show up as another constraint.)
However there is historical baggage. Back in the beginning, most errors were treated by throwing an exception in the typechecker monad; such exceptions can be caught, so that we can get more than one error from the file, but no syntax tree is returned. Example
let f = <expression> in <body>
If there was an error in <expression> we'd throw an exception, catch it at the 'let', give 'f' the type
f :: forall a. a
and continue to typecheck <body>.
The trouble with the exception stuff is that you don't get an elaborated syntax tree.
So: I think you can get some of the way today, just by returning the tree anyway even if there is an error to report. But it'd take a bit more work to make more and more errors into things that don't throw an exception. (Look for failTc, failRn in thd code.)
I'm not very familiar with the GHC API for this part, but others will be. I'm certain it can be improved, so rather than hacking around what is there already, do propose and implement improvements.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at<mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at>] On Behalf Of Németh
| Boldizsár
| Sent: 30 November 2017 05:42
| To: ghc-devs at<mailto:ghc-devs at>
| Subject: GHC typecheck API
| Dear GHC developers,
| I'm developing a framework for development tools for Haskell. I use the
| GHC API to parse and typecheck the source files. I recently started to
| work on a quick-fix (automatic program correction) for Haskell source
| code (correcting parenthesis problems, like 'putStrLn "xxx" ++ show a'
| ==> 'putStrLn ("xxx" ++ show a)'). To do that I need to get the typed
| syntax tree even if the program contains type or rename errors. I could
| only do this by a nasty hack, adding a new TH module finalizer
| (tcg_th_modfinalizers) to extract the type checker's state before it
| fails. Is there a "correct" way to do this? I would not like this
| refactorings to be unusable if the GHC API changes.
| By the way, if you know of any similar attempt please let me know.
| Sincerely,
| Boldizsár Németh
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