Create a ghc-simple-patch-propose list? Re: Notes from Ben's "contribute to ghc" discussion

Ben Gamari ben at
Fri Sep 30 02:53:14 UTC 2016

Matthew Pickering <matthewtpickering at> writes:

> Thanks for the useful data point Mathieu. I think it should also be
> noted that GHC contributions spiked after switching to phabricator so
> it could just be the effect of moving to *some* code review tool.
> Could you perhaps summarise the salient points in the LLVM thread? It
> is very long with lots of discussion points.

As far as I know the LLVM folks were merely considering moving from SVN
to Git, using GitHub to host their reposistory. I don't believe that
moving to GitHub for issue tracking, code review, or any other
functionality was ever seriously on the table.


- Ben

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