comment lines in Cmm outputs

Ben Gamari ben at
Sun May 29 15:14:52 UTC 2016

Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan at> writes:

> I'm reading a lot of Cmm  these days and comments added by Cmm dump (which are
> apparently added after 8.0.1) are so annoying becuase they're not saying
> anything useful (what's the point of adding "// CmmCall" to a "call" line or
> "// CmmCondBranch" to a "if" line?) but making a lot of noise. Why were those
> added? Can we remove them?

It looks like they've been with us since the initial merge of the new
codegen. I agree that they don't add much value but I don't have any
strong opinion either way. The only comment that we might want to
retain is the one for CmmUnsafeForeignCall as it looks quite similar to
a CmmCall.


- Ben
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