instances for closed type families

Alan & Kim Zimmerman alan.zimm at
Wed May 25 17:38:30 UTC 2016

I am working on, and have a
type to ensure that the `HsMatchContext` has either a `RdrName` or a
`Name`, not an `Id`.

type family NameOrRdrName id where
  NameOrRdrName Id      = Name
  NameOrRdrName Name    = Name
  NameOrRdrName RdrName = RdrName

Is there any way to declare `Data` and `OutputableBndr` instances for this?

Without it I am having to do something like

instance (OutputableBndr name, OutputableBndr (NameOrRdrName name))
         => Outputable (HsDecl name) where

which requires UndecidableInstances.

I get

    Illegal type synonym family application in instance:
      NameOrRdrName id
    In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘Data (NameOrRdrName id)’

for the parameterised version and

    Illegal type synonym family application in instance:
      NameOrRdrName RdrName
    In the stand-alone deriving instance for
      ‘Data (NameOrRdrName RdrName)’

for the one specific to `RdrName`.

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