8.0.1 source tarballs available (yet again)
Jan Stolarek
jan.stolarek at p.lodz.pl
Wed May 18 14:12:28 UTC 2016
This time my build went through without problems on openSUSE 11.4.
Dnia wtorek, 17 maja 2016, Ben Gamari napisał:
> tl;dr: We are giving this release another attempt. Cross your fingers
> and try building again.
> Hello GHC packagers,
> Thanks for your help in the last few days working through what were
> hopefully the last issues in the release. I've uploaded a new set of
> source tarballs at,
> http://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/8.0.1/
> These tarballs are derived from,
> 787900138b94790ddd13d76c2853d789d3335a5d
> This commit differs from the previous tarball in a number of ways,
> * a variety of packaging issues surrounding haddock's documentation
> have been fixed
> * the ghc-boot library has been split up. It was pointed out quite late
> that the previous structure of ghc-boot greatly increased the
> dependency footprint of the template-haskell package, which would
> have made it nearly impossible to upgrade the bytestring and binary
> packages.
> * a pair of fixes for crashes on PowerPC have been merged
> * a patch addressing a serious performance issue in parallel garbage
> collection has been merged
> * the bytestring module has been bumped to, fixing a rather
> serious correctness issue on big-endian systems
> We'll have the usual one-week build window for binary distributions.
> As always, let either Austin or I know if you have any trouble building
> your distribution. I have yet to push the ghc-8.0.1 tag in case we
> encounter unexpected issues but all of my builds with this tarball
> thusfar have gone quite well (then again, so did those of the previous
> tarball).
> Good luck and thanks for all of your work!
> Cheers,
> - Ben
Politechnika Łódzka
Lodz University of Technology
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