suboptimal ghc code generation in IO vs equivalent pure code case

Dan Doel dan.doel at
Tue May 10 01:21:56 UTC 2016

I'm no expert on reading GHC's generated assembly. However, there may
be a line you've overlooked in explaining the difference, namely:

    movq $stg_upd_frame_info,-16(%rbp)

This appears only in the IO code, according to what you've pasted, and
it appears to be pushing an update frame (I think). Update frames are
used as part of lazy evaluation, to ensure that work only happens
once, barring very short race conditions. So, at a guess, I would say
that your IO-based code is creating extra updatable closures, which
isn't free.

It's sometimes difficult to see the difference at the core level. It
will probably be clearer at the STG level, because the expression
language is more disciplined there. But, for instance, your pure code
tail calls (++), whereas your IO code returns an unboxed tuple with
the same sort of expression that is in the pure tail call. However,
complex expressions like that can't really be put in an unboxed tuple
at the STG level, so what will happen is that the complex expression
will be let (closure allocation), and the closure will be returned in
the unboxed tuple. So that is the source of the difference. A more
perspicuous picture would be something like:

    False ->
      let {
        l1 = : ww_amuh []
        l2 = Data.Unicode.Internal.Normalization.decompose_$sdecompose
ipv_smuv ipv1_smuD
      } in ++ l1 l2

    False ->
      case $sa1_sn0g ipv_smUT ipv1_smV6 ipv2_imWU
      of _ { (# ipv4_XmXv, ipv5_XmXx #) ->
      let {
        l1 = : sc_sn0b []
        l3 = ++ l1 ipv5_XmXx
      } in (# ipv4_XmXv, l3 #)

I can't say for certain that that's the only thing making a
difference, but it might be one thing.

-- Dan

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Harendra Kumar
<harendra.kumar at> wrote:
> I have a loop which runs millions of times. For some reason I have to run it
> in the IO monad. I noticed that when I convert the code from pure to IO
> monad the generated assembly code in essence is almost identical except one
> difference where it puts a piece of code in a separate block which is making
> a huge difference in performance (4-6x slower).
> I want to understand what makes GHC to generate code in this way and if
> there is anything that can be done at source level (or ghc option)  to
> control that.
> The pure code looks like this:
>         decomposeChars :: [Char] -> [Char]
>         decomposeChars [] = []
>         decomposeChars [x] =
>             case NFD.isDecomposable x of
>                 True -> decomposeChars (NFD.decomposeChar x)
>                 False -> [x]
>         decomposeChars (x : xs) = decomposeChars [x] ++ decomposeChars xs
> The equivalent IO code is this:
>         decomposeStrIO :: [Char] -> IO [Char]
>         decomposeStrPtr !p = decomposeStrIO
>             where
>                 decomposeStrIO [] = return []
>                 decomposeStrIO [x] = do
>                     res <- NFD.isDecomposable p x
>                     case res of
>                         True -> decomposeStrIO (NFD.decomposeChar x)
>                         False -> return [x]
>                 decomposeStrIO (x : xs) = do
>                     s1 <- decomposeStrIO [x]
>                     s2 <- decomposeStrIO xs
>                     return (s1 ++ s2)
> The difference is in how the code corresponding to the call to the (++)
> operation is generated. In the pure case the (++) operation is inline in the
> main loop:
> _cn5N:
> movq $sat_sn2P_info,-48(%r12)
> movq %rax,-32(%r12)
> movq %rcx,-24(%r12)
> movq $:_con_info,-16(%r12)
> movq 16(%rbp),%rax
> movq %rax,-8(%r12)
> movq $GHC.Types.[]_closure+1,(%r12)
> leaq -48(%r12),%rsi
> leaq -14(%r12),%r14
> addq $40,%rbp
> jmp GHC.Base.++_info
> In the IO monad version this code is placed in a separate block and a call
> is placed in the main loop:
> the main loop call site:
> _cn6A:
> movq $sat_sn3w_info,-24(%r12)
> movq 8(%rbp),%rax
> movq %rax,-8(%r12)
> movq %rbx,(%r12)
> leaq -24(%r12),%rbx
> addq $40,%rbp
> jmp *(%rbp)
> out of the line block - the code that was in the main loop in the previous
> case is now moved to this block (see label _cn5s below):
> sat_sn3w_info:
> _cn5p:
> leaq -16(%rbp),%rax
> cmpq %r15,%rax
> jb _cn5q
> _cn5r:
> addq $24,%r12
> cmpq 856(%r13),%r12
> ja _cn5t
> _cn5s:
> movq $stg_upd_frame_info,-16(%rbp)
> movq %rbx,-8(%rbp)
> movq 16(%rbx),%rax
> movq 24(%rbx),%rbx
> movq $:_con_info,-16(%r12)
> movq %rax,-8(%r12)
> movq $GHC.Types.[]_closure+1,(%r12)
> movq %rbx,%rsi
> leaq -14(%r12),%r14
> addq $-16,%rbp
> jmp GHC.Base.++_info
> _cn5t:
> movq $24,904(%r13)
> _cn5q:
> jmp *-16(%r13)
> Except this difference the rest of the assembly looks pretty similar in both
> the cases. The corresponding dump-simpl output for the pure case:
>           False ->
>             ++
>               @ Char
>               (GHC.Types.: @ Char ww_amuh (GHC.Types.[] @ Char))
>               (Data.Unicode.Internal.Normalization.decompose_$sdecompose
>                  ipv_smuv ipv1_smuD);
> And for the IO monad version:
>                 False ->
>                   case $sa1_sn0g ipv_smUT ipv1_smV6 ipv2_imWU
>                   of _ [Occ=Dead] { (# ipv4_XmXv, ipv5_XmXx #) ->
>                   (# ipv4_XmXv,
>                      ++
>                        @ Char
>                        (GHC.Types.: @ Char sc_sn0b (GHC.Types.[] @ Char))
>                        ipv5_XmXx #)
>                   };
> The dump-simpl output is essentially the same except the difference due to
> the realworld token in the IO case. Why is the generated code different? I
> will appreciate if someone can throw some light on the reason or can point
> to the relevant ghc source to look at where this happens.
> I am using ghc-7.10.3 in native code generation mode (no llvm).
> Thanks,
> Harendra
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