How to prevent GHC (API) from breaking large constants into multiple top-level bindings
Christiaan Baaij
christiaan.baaij at
Thu Mar 24 13:39:27 UTC 2016
My situation is the following, given the code:
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, TypeOperators, KindSignatures #-}
> module GConst where
> import GHC.TypeLits
> data Vec :: Nat -> * -> *
> where
> Nil :: Vec 0 a
> Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (n+1) a
> infixr `Cons`
> c :: Vec 5 Int
> c = 1 `Cons` 2 `Cons` 3 `Cons` 4 `Cons` 5 `Cons` Nil
The output of the desugarer, 'ghc -O -fforce-recomp -fno-full-laziness
-ddump-ds -dsuppress-all GConst.hs', is:
> c =
> ($WCons
> (I# 1)
> (($WCons
> (I# 2)
> (($WCons
> (I# 3)
> (($WCons (I# 4) (($WCons (I# 5) ($WNil)) `cast` ...))
`cast` ...))
> `cast` ...))
> `cast` ...))
> `cast` ...
Where the constant 'c' is a single large constant. However, when I look
at the output of the simplifier, 'ghc -O -fforce-recomp
-fno-full-laziness -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all GConst.hs', I see this:
> c10
> c10 = I# 1
> c9
> c9 = I# 2
> c8
> c8 = I# 3
> c7
> c7 = I# 4
> c6
> c6 = I# 5
> c5
> c5 = Cons @~ <0 + 1>_N c6 ($WNil)
> c4
> c4 = Cons @~ <1 + 1>_N c7 (c5 `cast` ...)
> c3
> c3 = Cons @~ <2 + 1>_N c8 (c4 `cast` ...)
> c2
> c2 = Cons @~ <3 + 1>_N c9 (c3 `cast` ...)
> c1
> c1 = Cons @~ <4 + 1>_N c10 (c2 `cast` ...)
> c
> c = c1 `cast` ...
The single constant is completely taken apart into multiple top-level
I haven't given it too much thought, but I assume there are good reasons
to take large constants aparts, and break them into individual top-level
bindings. At least when your target is a normal CPU.
Now, I'm a GHC API user, and I convert Haskell programs to digital
circuits. For my use case, breaking up constants into smaller top-level
bindings has completely no performance benefits at all. Actually, my
compiler _inlines_ all those top-level bindings again to create a single
large constant.
When working with large constants, my compiler is actually taking an
disproportionately large amount of time of doing the inverse of what the
GHC simplifier did.
I want to keep using the GHC simplifier, because it contains many
optimisations that are usefull for my specific use-case.
So my question is: how can I stop the GHC simplifier from breaking up
large constants into smaller top-level bindings?
As you could see from the example, this "breaking-apart-constants" is
not due to the FullLaziness transform, as I explicitly disabled it.
If this "breaking-apart-constants" part is not (currently) controllable
by a flag, would it be possible to add such a flag? I'm happy to work on
a patch myself if someone could tell where about in the simplifier I
would have to make some changes.
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