Pusing to haddock

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Tue Jun 14 08:36:47 UTC 2016


Am Dienstag, den 14.06.2016, 08:18 +0000 schrieb Simon Peyton Jones:
> For the record, the series of patches, one of which presumably causes
> the regression, is below.   Bisecting to the right one would be very
> helpful -- but you have to apply the final one (haddock-update)
> first.

I added a hack to the script that runs perf.haskell.org to cherry-pick
this final patch if it is told to build something from that version
range, and re-started the build of the affected commits. This should
narrow it down. Will report back.



Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.dehttps://www.joachim-breitner.de/
  XMPP: nomeata at joachim-breitner.de • OpenPGP-Key: 0xF0FBF51F
  Debian Developer: nomeata at debian.org
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