CallStack naming
Joachim Breitner
mail at
Wed Jan 20 11:50:46 UTC 2016
Am Mittwoch, den 20.01.2016, 10:32 +0000 schrieb Simon Peyton Jones:
> > foo x :: AppendsCallStack => a -> a
> Remove the "x"!
heh. Silly me. So let’s try again:
With 7.10 it now works:
==> AppendCallStack.hs <==
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, ImplicitParams #-}
module AppendCallStack (AppendsCallStack) where
import GHC.Stack
type AppendsCallStack = ?callStack::CallStack
==> Bar.hs <==
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
import AppendCallStack
import MyError
foo :: AppendsCallStack => a -> a
foo x = myerror "Test"
main = print (foo ())
==> MyError.hs <==
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
module MyError where
import GHC.Stack
myerror :: (?callStack :: CallStack) => String -> a
myerror msg = error (msg ++ ": " ++ showCallStack ?callStack)
Note that I need FlexibleContexts on the usage site to be able to use
this, otherwise I get
Non type-variable argument
in the constraint: ?callStack::GHC.Stack.CallStack
See it in action:
$ ghc --make Bar && ./Bar
Bar: Test: ?callStack, called at ./MyError.hs:7:51 in main:MyError
myerror, called at Bar.hs:8:9 in main:Main
foo, called at Bar.hs:10:15 in main:Main
With GHC-HEAD, it compiles no longer(!):
[1 of 2] Compiling AppendCallStack ( AppendCallStack.hs,
AppendCallStack.o )
AppendCallStack.hs:6:1: error:
• Illegal implicit parameter ‘?callStack::CallStack’
• In the type synonym declaration for ‘AppendsCallStack’
So Richard, does it do what you want with GHC-7.10? And given that GHC
HEAD rejects it, was 7.10 wrong or is there a bug in HEAD?
Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
mail at •
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Debian Developer: nomeata at
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