ghc command line arguments parsing

Sven Panne svenpanne at
Fri Aug 19 09:12:35 UTC 2016

2016-08-19 10:58 GMT+02:00 Harendra Kumar <harendra.kumar at>:

> Funnily consistency was my point too and not convenience. I totally agree
> that consistency is more important. The end objective is less referring to
> manuals and rely more on intuition and consistency. Its all about making it
> easier to remember and not about typing less or more. [...]

OK, then I probably misunderstood you and we're actually in the same
boat... :-)

> [...] As you said I would be happier with an inconvenient to type but
> consistent alternative where we use '--ghc-arg=' for everything and get rid
> of the other ways. [...]

Hmmm, do we need '--ghc-args=' at all when we have '--' as the border
between the 2 "argument worlds"? Without thinking too much about it, :-} I
guess we don't. This would be consistent with how e.g. "stack exec" or
"gdb" work. An explicit option --pass-this-to-some-progXY is only needed
when there are more than 2 "argument worlds" involved, otherwise '--' is
enough, and also easier to type/remember.
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