How does topological sorting of kind variables really work?

Ryan Scott at
Wed Apr 13 17:30:15 UTC 2016

Ah, I hadn't considered what effect nondeterminism might have on this.
Here's a quick experiment:

With normal uniques:

    $ /opt/ghc/8.0.1/bin/ghci -XTypeInType -fprint-explicit-kinds
    GHCi, version  :? for help
    Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/ryanglscott/.ghci
    λ> data T (a :: j -> k -> l) (b :: (x, y, z)) = MkT
    λ> :info T
    type role T nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal phantom phantom
    data T x y z l k j (a :: j -> k -> l) (b :: (x, y, z)) = MkT
            -- Defined at <interactive>:1:1
    λ> :type MkT
      :: forall {x} {y} {z} {l} {k} {j} {a :: j -> k -> l} {b :: (x, y,
         T x y z l k j a b

With reversed uniques:

    $ /opt/ghc/8.0.1/bin/ghci -XTypeInType -fprint-explicit-kinds
-fprint-explicit-foralls -dunique-increment=-1
    GHCi, version  :? for help
    Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/ryanglscott/.ghci
    λ> data T (a :: j -> k -> l) (b :: (x, y, z)) = MkT
    λ> :info T
    type role T nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal phantom phantom
    data T x y z l k j (a :: j -> k -> l) (b :: (x, y, z)) = MkT
            -- Defined at <interactive>:1:1
    λ> :type MkT
      :: forall {j} {k} {l} {z} {y} {x} {b :: (x, y, z)} {a :: j
                                                               -> k -> l}.
         T x y z l k j a b

So if :info is to be believed, uniques don't (appear to) have an
effect on the order in which the kind variables are bound in the type
constructor, but they do have an effect with :type (which isn't
surprising, since :type re-generalizes the type signature, and
generalization is precisely what you found to be non-deterministic).

Ryan S.

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