Converting unboxed sum types in StgCmm

Johan Tibell johan.tibell at
Mon Sep 14 13:21:28 UTC 2015

I took a stab at this but ran into something I don't understand. For
recence, the whole implementation of unboxed sums is at and the
implementation of unarisation is at

Running the compiler on the following file:

{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedSums #-}
module Test where

f :: (# Int | Char #) -> Int
f (# x | #) = x
{-# NOINLINE f #-}

g = f (# 1 | #)

Yields an error, like so:

ghc-stage2: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
  (GHC version 7.11.20150912 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
StgCmmEnv: variable not found
  local binds for:

I probably got something wrong in UnariseStg, but I can't see what. I
printed this debug information to see the stg I'm rewriting:

  [f [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: (#|#) Int Char -> Int
   [GblId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType, Unf=OtherCon []] =
       \r srt:SRT:[0e :-> patError] [ds_svq]
           case ds_svq of _ [Occ=Dead] {
             (#_|#) x_svs [Occ=Once] -> x_svs;
             (#|_#) _ [Occ=Dead] -> patError "UnboxedSum.hs:5:1-15|function
   g :: Int
   [GblId, Str=DmdType] =
       \u srt:SRT:[r1 :-> f] []
           let {
             sat_svu [Occ=Once] :: Int
             [LclId, Str=DmdType] =
                 NO_CCS I#! [1#];
           } in
             case (#_|#) [sat_svu] of sat_svv { __DEFAULT -> f sat_svv; };]
  [81 :-> [realWorld#], svq :-> [ds_gvz, ds_gvA]]
  UbxTup 2
  [((#_|#), [x_svs], [True], x_svs),
    patError "UnboxedSum.hs:5:1-15|function f"#)]

It's ds_svg that's being complained about above. I find that a bit
confusing as that variable is never used on any RHS.

Some questions that might help me get there:

   - I added a new RepType for unboxed sums, like so:

   data RepType = UbxTupleRep [UnaryType]
       | UbxSumRep [UnaryType]
       | UnaryRep UnaryType

   Does this constructor make sense? I store the already flattened
   representation of the sum in here, rather than having something like
   [[UnaryType]] and storing each alternative.
   - In unariseAlts there's a bndr argument. Is that the binder of the
   scrutinee as a whole (e.g. the 'x' in case e of x { ... -> ... })?

Any other idea what I might have gotten wrong?

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 1:03 AM, Simon Marlow <marlowsd at> wrote:

> On 10/09/2015 10:37, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
>> The problem is that stg is too strongly typed
>> It’s not really typed, or at least only in a very half-hearted way.  To
>> be concrete I think you can just use Any for any Pointer arg.   All STG
>> needs to know, really, is which things are pointers.  Detailed type info
>> like “are you a Char or a Bool” is strictly jam; indeed never used I
>> think.  (I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I’m not wrong in a
>> fundamental way.
> Yes, the only thing the code generator needs to do with types is convert
> them to PrimReps (see idPrimRep), and all GC pointer types have the same
> PrimRep (PtrRep).
> Cheers
> Simon
>> SImon
>> *From:*Johan Tibell [mailto:johan.tibell at]
>> *Sent:* 09 September 2015 23:22
>> *To:* Simon Peyton Jones; Simon Marlow; ghc-devs at
>> *Subject:* Converting unboxed sum types in StgCmm
>> Hi!
>> The original idea for implementing the backend part of the unboxed sums
>> proposal was to convert from the core representation to the actual data
>> representation (i.e. a tag followed by some pointer and non-pointer
>> fields) in the unarise stg-to-stg
>> <
>> >
>> pass.
>> I have now realized that this won't work. The problem is that stg is too
>> strongly typed. When we "desugar" sum types we need to convert functions
>> receiving a value e.g. from
>>      f :: (# Bool | Char #) -> ...
>> to
>>      f :: NonPointer {-# tag#-} -> Pointer {-# Bool or Char #-} -> ...
>> Since stg is still typed with normal Haskell types (e.g. Bool, Char,
>> etc), this is not possible, as we cannot represent an argument which has
>> two different types.
>> It seems to me that we will have to do the conversion in the stg-to-cmm
>> <
>> >
>> pass, which is quite a bit more involved. For example, StgCmmEnv.idToReg
>> function will have to change from
>>      idToReg :: DynFlags -> NonVoid Id -> LocalReg
>> to
>>      idToReg :: DynFlags -> NonVoid Id -> [LocalReg]
>> to accommodate the fact that we might need more than one register to
>> store a binder.
>> Any ideas for a better solution?
>> -- Johan
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