Cannot have GHC in ARMv6 architecture

Karel Gardas karel.gardas at
Wed Sep 9 12:32:12 UTC 2015

On 09/ 9/15 01:22 PM, jmcf125 at wrote:
> So, when doing that, configure works (the logs were for the previous
> attempts). But why is that when I try to make, with a working configure,
> and a real sysroot, that I get the following error?
>>> $ make -j5
>>> (...)
>>> "inplace/bin/mkdirhier" compiler/stage2/doc/html/ghc//.
>>> <<ghc: 13398192 bytes, 14 GCs, 190152/210488 avg/max bytes residency (2 samples), 26M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 0.016 MUT (0.257 elapsed), 0.015 GC (0.020 elapsed) :ghc>>
>>> "inplace/bin/mkdirhier" utils/hsc2hs/dist-install/build/tmp//.
>>> "inplace/bin/mkdirhier" utils/ghc-pkg/dist-install/build/tmp//.
>>> "inplace/bin/mkdirhier" utils/ghctags/dist-install/build/tmp//.
>>> <<ghc: 13396968 bytes, 14 GCs, 190128/210440 avg/max bytes residency (2 samples), 26M in use, 0.000 INIT (0.000 elapsed), 0.015 MUT (0.213 elapsed), 0.014 GC (0.017 elapsed) :ghc>>
>>> "inplace/bin/mkdirhier" utils/ghc-pwd/dist-install/build/tmp//.
>>> "inplace/bin/mkdirhier" utils/ghc-cabal/dist-install/build/tmp//.
>>> "inplace/bin/mkdirhier" utils/hpc/dist-install/build/tmp//.
>>> "inplace/bin/mkdirhier" utils/runghc/dist-install/build/tmp//.
>>> docs/users_guide/users_guide.xml
>>> make[1]: docs/users_guide/users_guide.xml: Command not found
>>> docs/users_guide/what_glasgow_exts_does.gen.xml
>>> docs/users_guide/ recipe for target 'docs/users_guide/users_guide.xml' failed
>>> make[1]: *** [docs/users_guide/users_guide.xml] Error 127
>>> make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
>>> make[1]: docs/users_guide/what_glasgow_exts_does.gen.xml: Command not found
>>> docs/users_guide/ recipe for target 'docs/users_guide/what_glasgow_exts_does.gen.xml' failed
>>> make[1]: *** [docs/users_guide/what_glasgow_exts_does.gen.xml] Error 127
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/license.html for section(license)
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/ch01s03.html for section
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/ch01s04.html for section
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/introduction.html for chapter(introduction)
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/invoking.html for chapter(invoking)
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/ch03s02.html for section
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/ch03s03.html for section
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/ch03s04.html for section
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/ch03s05.html for section
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/hyperlinking.html for section(hyperlinking)
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/module-attributes.html for section(module-attributes)
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/ch03s08.html for section
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/markup.html for chapter(markup)
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/ix01.html for index
>>> Writing utils/haddock/doc/haddock/index.html for book(haddock)
>>> cp mk/fptools.css utils/haddock/doc/haddock/
>>> Makefile:71: recipe for target 'all' failed
>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
> ghc-stage1 logically does not work, although it is created.

How exactly ghc-stage1 behaves? What does ghc-stage1 --info tells you?


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