question about GHC API on GHC plugin
Mike Izbicki
mike at
Fri Sep 4 23:39:24 UTC 2015
I'm still having trouble creating Core code that can extract
superclass dictionaries from a given dictionary. I suspect the
problem is that I don't actually understand what the Core code to do
this is supposed to look like. I keep getting the errors mentioned
above when I try what I think should work.
Can anyone help me figure this out? Is there any chance this is a bug
in how GHC parses Core?
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 9:24 PM, Mike Izbicki <mike at> wrote:
> The purpose of the plugin is to automatically improve the numerical
> stability of Haskell code. It is supposed to identify numeric
> expressions, then use Herbie ( to
> generate a numerically stable version, then rewrite the numerically
> stable version back into the code. The first two steps were really
> easy. It's the last step of inserting back into the code that I'm
> having tons of trouble with. Core is a lot more complicated than I
> thought :)
> I'm not sure what you mean by the CoreExpr representation? Here's the
> output of the pretty printer you gave:
> App (App (App (App (Var Id{+,r2T,ForAllTy TyVar{a} (FunTy (TyConApp
> Num [TyVarTy TyVar{a}]) (FunTy (TyVarTy TyVar{a}) (FunTy (TyVarTy
> TyVar{a}) (TyVarTy TyVar{a})))),VanillaId,Info{0,SpecInfo []
> <UniqFM>,NoUnfolding,MayHaveCafRefs,NoOneShotInfo,InlinePragma
> {inl_src = "{-# INLINE", inl_inline = EmptyInlineSpec, inl_sat =
> Nothing, inl_act = AlwaysActive, inl_rule =
> FunLike},NoOccInfo,StrictSig (DmdType <UniqFM> [] (Dunno NoCPR)),JD
> {strd = Lazy, absd = Use Many Used},0}}) (Type (TyVarTy TyVar{a})))
> (App (Var Id{$p1Fractional,rh3,ForAllTy TyVar{a} (FunTy (TyConApp
> Fractional [TyVarTy TyVar{a}]) (TyConApp Num [TyVarTy
> TyVar{a}])),ClassOpId <Class>,Info{1,SpecInfo [BuiltinRule {ru_name =
> "Class op $p1Fractional", ru_fn = $p1Fractional, ru_nargs = 2, ru_try
> = <RuleFun>}] <UniqFM>,NoUnfolding,NoCafRefs,NoOneShotInfo,InlinePragma
> {inl_src = "{-# INLINE", inl_inline = EmptyInlineSpec, inl_sat =
> Nothing, inl_act = AlwaysActive, inl_rule =
> FunLike},NoOccInfo,StrictSig (DmdType <UniqFM> [JD {strd = Str (SProd
> [Str HeadStr,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy]), absd = Use Many (UProd [Use Many
> Used,Abs,Abs,Abs])}] (Dunno NoCPR)),JD {strd = Lazy, absd = Use Many
> Used},0}}) (App (Var Id{$p1Floating,rh2,ForAllTy TyVar{a} (FunTy
> (TyConApp Floating [TyVarTy TyVar{a}]) (TyConApp Fractional [TyVarTy
> TyVar{a}])),ClassOpId <Class>,Info{1,SpecInfo [BuiltinRule {ru_name =
> "Class op $p1Floating", ru_fn = $p1Floating, ru_nargs = 2, ru_try =
> <RuleFun>}] <UniqFM>,NoUnfolding,NoCafRefs,NoOneShotInfo,InlinePragma
> {inl_src = "{-# INLINE", inl_inline = EmptyInlineSpec, inl_sat =
> Nothing, inl_act = AlwaysActive, inl_rule =
> FunLike},NoOccInfo,StrictSig (DmdType <UniqFM> [JD {strd = Str (SProd
> [Str HeadStr,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy,Lazy]),
> absd = Use Many (UProd [Use Many
> Used,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs,Abs])}]
> (Dunno NoCPR)),JD {strd = Lazy, absd = Use Many Used},0}}) (Var
> Id{$dFloating,aBM,TyConApp Floating [TyVarTy
> TyVar{a}],VanillaId,Info{0,SpecInfo []
> <UniqFM>,NoUnfolding,MayHaveCafRefs,NoOneShotInfo,InlinePragma
> {inl_src = "{-# INLINE", inl_inline = EmptyInlineSpec, inl_sat =
> Nothing, inl_act = AlwaysActive, inl_rule =
> FunLike},NoOccInfo,StrictSig (DmdType <UniqFM> [] (Dunno NoCPR)),JD
> {strd = Lazy, absd = Use Many Used},0}})))) (Var Id{x1,anU,TyVarTy
> TyVar{a},VanillaId,Info{0,SpecInfo []
> <UniqFM>,NoUnfolding,MayHaveCafRefs,NoOneShotInfo,InlinePragma
> {inl_src = "{-# INLINE", inl_inline = EmptyInlineSpec, inl_sat =
> Nothing, inl_act = AlwaysActive, inl_rule =
> FunLike},NoOccInfo,StrictSig (DmdType <UniqFM> [] (Dunno NoCPR)),JD
> {strd = Lazy, absd = Use Many Used},0}})) (Var Id{x1,anU,TyVarTy
> TyVar{a},VanillaId,Info{0,SpecInfo []
> <UniqFM>,NoUnfolding,MayHaveCafRefs,NoOneShotInfo,InlinePragma
> {inl_src = "{-# INLINE", inl_inline = EmptyInlineSpec, inl_sat =
> Nothing, inl_act = AlwaysActive, inl_rule =
> FunLike},NoOccInfo,StrictSig (DmdType <UniqFM> [] (Dunno NoCPR)),JD
> {strd = Lazy, absd = Use Many Used},0}})
> You can find my pretty printer (and all the other code for the plugin)
> at:
> The function getDictMap
> (
> is where I'm constructing the dictionaries that are getting inserted
> back into the Core.
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 7:17 PM, Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan at> wrote:
>> It seems like in your App syntax you're having a non-function in function
>> position. You can see this by looking at what failing function
>> (splitFunTy_maybe) is doing:
>> splitFunTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
>> -- ^ Attempts to extract the argument and result types from a type
>> ... (definition is not important) ...
>> Then it's used like this at the error site:
>> (arg_ty, res_ty) = expectJust "cpeBody:collect_args" $
>> splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
>> In your case this function is returning Nothing and then exceptJust is
>> signalling the panic.
>> Your code looked correct to me, I don't see any problems with that. Maybe you're
>> using something wrong as selectors. Could you paste CoreExpr representation of
>> your program?
>> It may also be the case that the panic is caused by something else, maybe your
>> syntax is invalidating some assumptions/invariants in GHC but it's not
>> immediately checked etc. Working at the Core level is frustrating at times.
>> Can I ask what kind of plugin are you working on?
>> (Btw, how did you generate this representation of AST? Did you write it
>> manually? If you have a pretty-printer, would you mind sharing it?)
>> 2015-08-25 18:50 GMT-04:00 Mike Izbicki <mike at>:
>>> Thanks Ömer!
>>> I'm able to get dictionaries for the superclasses of a class now, but
>>> I get an error whenever I try to get a dictionary for a
>>> super-superclass. Here's the Haskell expression I'm working with:
>>> test1 :: Floating a => a -> a
>>> test1 x1 = x1+x1
>>> The original core is:
>>> + @ a $dNum_aJu x1 x1
>>> But my plugin is replacing it with the core:
>>> + @ a ($p1Fractional ($p1Floating $dFloating_aJq)) x1 x1
>>> The only difference is the way I'm getting the Num dictionary. The
>>> corresponding AST (annotated with variable names and types) is:
>>> App
>>> (App
>>> (App
>>> (App
>>> (Var +::forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a)
>>> (Type a)
>>> )
>>> (App
>>> (Var $p1Fractional::forall a. Fractional a => Num a)
>>> (App
>>> (Var $p1Floating::forall a. Floating a => Fractional a)
>>> (Var $dFloating_aJq::Floating a)
>>> )
>>> )
>>> )
>>> (Var x1::'a')
>>> )
>>> (Var x1::'a')
>>> When I insert, GHC gives the following error:
>>> ghc: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
>>> (GHC version 7.10.1 for x86_64-unknown-linux):
>>> expectJust cpeBody:collect_args
>>> What am I doing wrong with extracting these super-superclass
>>> dictionaries? I've looked up the code for cpeBody in GHC, but I can't
>>> figure out what it's trying to do, so I'm not sure why it's failing on
>>> my core.
>>> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 7:10 PM, Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan at> wrote:
>>>> Mike, here's a piece of code that may be helpful to you:
>>>> Copy this module to your plugin, it doesn't have any dependencies other than
>>>> ghc itself. When your plugin is initialized, update `dynFlags_ref` with your
>>>> DynFlags as first thing to do. Then use Show instance to print AST directly.
>>>> Horrible hack, but very useful for learning purposes. In fact, I don't know how
>>>> else we can learn what Core is generated for a given code, and reverse-engineer
>>>> to figure out details.
>>>> Hope it helps.
>>>> 2015-08-24 21:59 GMT-04:00 Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan at>:
>>>>>> Lets say I'm running the plugin on a function with signature `Floating a => a
>>>>>> -> a`, then the plugin has access to the `Floating` dictionary for the type.
>>>>>> But if I want to add two numbers together, I need the `Num` dictionary. I
>>>>>> know I should have access to `Num` since it's a superclass of `Floating`.
>>>>>> How can I get access to these superclass dictionaries?
>>>>> I don't have a working code for this but this should get you started:
>>>>> let ord_dictionary :: Id = ...
>>>>> ord_class :: Class = ...
>>>>> in
>>>>> mkApps (Var (head (classSCSels ord_class))) [Var ord_dictionary]
>>>>> I don't know how to get Class for Ord. I do `head` here because in the case of
>>>>> Ord we only have one superclass so `classSCSels` should have one Id. Then I
>>>>> apply ord_dictionary to this selector and it should return dictionary for Eq.
>>>>> I assumed you already have ord_dictionary, it should be passed to your function
>>>>> already if you had `(Ord a) => ` in your function.
>>>>> Now I realized you asked for getting Num from Floating. I think you should
>>>>> follow a similar path except you need two applications, first to get Fractional
>>>>> from Floating and second to get Num from Fractional:
>>>>> mkApps (Var (head (classSCSels fractional_class)))
>>>>> [mkApps (Var (head (classSCSels floating_class)))
>>>>> [Var floating_dictionary]]
>>>>> Return value should be a Num dictionary.
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