Implementation idea for unboxed polymorphic types

Ömer Sinan Ağacan omeragacan at
Mon Nov 16 17:32:30 UTC 2015

> But I don't see why you'd need quoting at constructor calls. Couldn't you
> just have a type class like `PointFamily`?

This is exactly right, my memory has failed me. My initial implementation
didn't use the type family trick, I had further attempts that use type families
but honestly I don't remember how good it worked. This was quite a while ago.

2015-11-15 19:41 GMT-05:00 Richard Eisenberg <eir at>:
> After reading Francesco's original post, I immediately thought of Ömer's proposed approach, of using Template Haskell to produce the right data family instances. But I don't see why you'd need quoting at constructor calls. Couldn't you just have a type class like `PointFamily`? I'd be more interested to see client code in Ömer's version than the TH generation code.
> The TH approach would seem to require having a fixed set of specializations, which is a downside. But I'm not sure it's so much of a downside that the approach is unusable.
> Richard
> On Nov 15, 2015, at 10:08 AM, Ömer Sinan Ağacan <omeragacan at> wrote:
>> I had started working on exactly the same thing at some point. I had a
>> TemplateHaskell-based implementation which _almost_ worked.
>> The problem was that the syntax was very, very heavy. Because I had to use
>> quotes for _every_ constructor application(with explicitly passed types).
>> (because I had a specialized constructor for every instantiation of this
>> generic type)
>> Another problem was that because of how TemplateHaskell quotes evaluated, I
>> couldn't use a `List Int` where `List` is a template without first manually
>> adding a line for generating specialized version of `List` on `Int`.
>> When all of these combined it became very hard to use. But it was a
>> proof-of-concept and I think it worked.
>> (Code is horrible so I won't share it here :) I had to maintain a state shared
>> with different TH quote evaluations etc.)
>> 2015-11-15 5:26 GMT-05:00 Francesco Mazzoli <f at>:
>>> (A nicely rendered version of this email can be found at <>)
>>> ## Macro types
>>> I very often find myself wanting unboxed polymorphic types
>>> (e.g. types that contain `UNPACK`ed type variables). I find
>>> it extremely frustrating that it's easier to write fast _and_
>>> generic code in C++ than in Haskell.
>>> I'd like to submit to the mailing list a very rough proposal
>>> on how this could be achieved in a pretty straightforward way
>>> in GHC.
>>> The proposal is meant to be a proof of concept, just to show that
>>> this could be done rather easily. I did not think about a nice
>>> interface or the implementation details in GHC. My goal is to
>>> check the feasibility of this plan with GHC developers.
>>> I'll call such types "macro types", since their effect is similar
>>> to defining a macro that defines a new type for each type
>>> variable instantiation.
>>> Consider
>>> ```
>>> data #Point a = Point
>>>  { x :: {-# UNPACK #-} !a
>>>  , y :: {-# UNPACK #-} !a
>>>  }
>>> ```
>>> This definition defines the macro type `#Point`, with one parameter
>>> `a`.
>>> Macro types definition would be allowed only for single-constructor
>>> records. The intent is that if we mention `#Point Double`, it will
>>> be equivalent to
>>> ```
>>> data PointDouble = PointDouble
>>>  { x :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
>>>  , y :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Double
>>>  }
>>> ```
>>> To use `#Point` generically, the following type class would be
>>> generated:
>>> ```
>>> class PointFamily a where
>>>  data #Point a :: * -- Family of types generated by @data #Point a at .
>>>  #Point :: a -> a -> #Point a -- Constructor.
>>>  #x :: #Point a -> a -- Projection @x at .
>>>  #y :: #Point a -> a -- Projection @y at .
>>> ```
>>> Thi type class lets us work with `#Point`s generically, for example
>>> ```
>>> distance :: (PointFamily a, Fractional a) => #Point a -> #Point a -> a
>>> distance p1 p2 =
>>>  let dx = #x p1 - #x p2
>>>      dy = #y p1 - #y p2
>>>  in sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy)
>>> ```
>>> Internally, for every type appearing for `a`, e.g. `#Point Double`,
>>> a new type equivalent to the `PointDouble` above would be generated
>>> by GHC, with the corresponding instance
>>> ```
>>> instance PointFamily Double where
>>>  data #Point Double = PointDouble
>>>  #x = x
>>>  #y = x
>>> ```
>>> If it's not possible to instantiate `#Point` with the provided type
>>> (for example because the type is not `UNPACK`able, e.g.
>>> `#Point (Maybe A)`), GHC would throw an error.
>>> Note that we can compile `distance` in its polymorphic version
>>> (as opposed to C++ templates, where template functions _must_ be
>>> instantiated at every use). The polymorphic `distance` would
>>> require a call to "virtual functions" `#x` and `#y`, as provided by
>>> the `PointFamily` dictionary. But if we use
>>> `INLINE` or `SPECIALIZE` pragmas the virtual calls to `#x` and `#y`
>>> would disappear, making this as efficient as if we were to define
>>> `distance` on the manually defined `PointDouble`. Compiler hints
>>> would be put in place to always inline functions using macro types,
>>> if possible.
>>> Note that the inlining is only important so that the `PointFamily`
>>> dictionary disappears, e.g. functions containing recursive
>>> helpers are fine, such as
>>> ```
>>> {-# INLINE leftmost #-}
>>> leftmost :: forall a. (PointFamily a, Ord a) => [#Point a] -> #Point a
>>> leftmost [] = error "leftmost: no points"
>>> leftmost (p0 : ps0) = go p0 ps0
>>>  where
>>>    go :: #Point a -> [#Point a] -> Point# a
>>>    go candidate (p : ps) =
>>>      if #x p < #x candidate
>>>        then go p ps
>>>        else go candidate ps
>>> ```
>>> It might be worth considering throwing a warning when a top-level
>>> definition whose type contains a macro type cannot be inlined, since
>>> the main performance benefit of using macro types would be lost.
>>> We can define instances for these types as normal, for instance
>>> ```
>>> instance (Show a, PointFamily a) => Show (#Point a) where
>>>  {-# INLINE show #-}
>>>  show pt = "Point{x = " ++ #x pt ++ ", y = " ++ #y pt ++ "}"
>>> ```
>>> `deriving` support could also be added.
>>> ## Further ideas
>>> ### Hide or remove `PointFamily` from the user
>>> In the examples above `PointFamily` is manipulated explicitely
>>> (e.g. in the type signature for `distance`).
>>> In most cases the right constraint could be generated
>>> automatically by GHC, although I think direct access to the
>>> type class would be beneficial (history shows that direct
>>> access to these facilities is good, see upcoming explicit
>>> type applications).
>>> Maybe the type class associated to a macro type should not even
>>> exist -- for example we could simply represent `#Point` as a type
>>> family and treat construction and destruction as built-in syntax
>>> (the `#` prefix).
>>> ### Pattern matching
>>> Sugar could be added to pattern match, e.g.
>>> ```
>>> foo :: Point# a -> ...
>>> distance (Point# x1 y1) = ...
>>>  or
>>> dinstance Point#{..} = ... -- #x and #y are available
>>> ```
>>> ### No "record types" limitation
>>> Instead of restricting ourselves to single-constructor records,
>>> we could simply generate
>>> ```
>>> data Point a = Point a
>>>  { x :: !a
>>>  , y :: !a
>>>  }
>>> class PointFamily a where
>>>  data Point# a :: *
>>>  destruct :: Point# a -> Point a
>>>  construct :: Point a -> Point# a
>>> ```
>>> However, I think it would be harder to guarantee the well-behavedness
>>> of the inlined functions if we had this intermediate type. I also
>>> don't think macro types would be very useful beyond polymorphic
>>> unboxed types.
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