New GHC performance dashboard

Joachim Breitner mail at
Sun May 17 12:19:55 UTC 2015

Dear ghc developers,

last July I set up a performance dashboard for GHC, i.e. a website where
you can see our performance numbers (nofib results, performance unit
tests, build time etc.) for each commit. I used the software codespeed¹
as the backend, but I was dissatisfied with it: I found it was a tad too
slow, the URLs were hard to share, but – most importantly – it tries to
be VCS-agnostic, which just doesn’t work well.

So in January, I wrote a new tool, called gipeda (Git Performance
Dashboard)². The Haskell part generates static files, which are then
displayed using JavaScript in the client (using bootstrap and
handlebars), so it is reasonably fast. And it knows about (some) git

I was about to announce it in February, but it ran on the same host as, which was compromised a few days before the
announcement. Recently, though, davean of the Admin team
provided me with the required set (thanks for that!), so here it is:


It should be relatively self-explanatory. Just note that by default it
hides boring stuff (commits and results with no significant change), you
can select what to show in the top-right corner.

It does roughly what our codespeed setup did before, but I have some
ideas that go beyond that: Comparison of arbitrary commits, better
understanding of git branches and tags, aggregation of performance
results from different hosts, e-mail notification. I hope that I’m not
the only one who will work on them, and will be happy to receive help.
The upcoming ZuriHac is a great possibility to join me here.

There are also lot of ways you can contribute without touching Haskell
(not that there are many people on this list to whom that matters :-)).

Gipeda itself is in no way specific to GHC and you can use it for your
own projects. We can possibly even host the results on – just talk to me. Also, see my gipeda
announcement on haskell-cafe (which I’ll write next).




Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de
  Jabber: nomeata at  • GPG-Key: 0xF0FBF51F
  Debian Developer: nomeata at
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