HEADS-UP: new Git hook linters for whitespace & commit msgs

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Mon Mar 9 13:11:01 UTC 2015

Great.  Are these invariants documented on the GHC developers wiki?

This email will soon be lost, but the wiki lives.



| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Herbert
| Valerio Riedel
| Sent: 09 March 2015 08:05
| To: ghc-devs
| Subject: HEADS-UP: new Git hook linters for whitespace & commit msgs
| Hello GHC devs,
| I finally got to finish reworked Git hook validations[1] which are
| active effective immediately for the ghc.git repo:
|  - A new whitespace linter that enforces 3 separate in variants for files
|    with the suffixes
|      .hs .hsc .lhs .cabal .c .h .lhs-boot .hs-boot .x .y
|    the 3 invariants (i.e. if the particular invariant held before the
|    commit, it ought to hold afterwards as well):
|     1. no TABs
|     2. no trailing whitespaces (NEW)
|     3. no missing final EOL (NEW)
|  - A new commit msg linter
|    The rationale is explained in
|    http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html
|    TLDR: The structural conventions enforced by the new linter avoid
|          messing up the output of Git tooling; Editors with support for
|          commit-msg syntax-coloring like Vim or Emacs also follow these
|          conventions.
|    This linter has soft (-> warnings) and hard limits (->
|    error/rejection)
|    The most important hard limits are:
|     - subject line (i.e. 1st line) 80-char max length (& 8-chars min len)
|     - 2nd line must be empty (if it exists)
|     - body lines (i.e. 3rd+ lines) 100-char max length
|    For more details about additional checks see actual code in [1]; the
|    linter tries to give verbose error/warning messages and pointing
|    exactly to the offending lines.
| Comments/suggestions/debate/pull-requests/etc welcome!
| PS: the new validators can easily be tested locally on a Git tree
|     (although I've only tested this on Linux):
|       usage: validate-whitespace <git-dir> [<commit-id>+]
|     and you can pass symbolic refs such as 'HEAD' for the <commit-id>,
|     e.g.
|       validate-whitespace ~/Work/ghc-tree/.git HEAD
| Cheers,
|   hvr
|  [1]: https://github.com/haskell-infra/git-haskell-org-
| hooks/tree/master/src
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