GHC support for the new "record" package

Adam Gundry adam at
Tue Jan 27 09:07:25 UTC 2015

Yes, we can't make IV the magic class for which instances are generated.
As I pointed out earlier in the thread, we need to give an instance for
the function space that enforces the functional dependency (either with
an actual fundep or a type family), and keep a distinguished HasField
class. AFAICS it's still an open question as to whether that instance
should provide

(a) selector functions r -> a
(b) lenses (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
(c) both
(d) neither

but I'm starting to think (b) is the sanest option.

Otherwise, I think we've more or less converged on the issues (apart
from the syntax question) and I'll update the wiki page appropriately.

On the syntax question, Edward, could you say more about how you would
expect the magic imports to work? If a module both declares (or imports)
a record field `x` and magically imports `x`, what does a use of `x`
mean? (In the original ORF, we didn't have the magic module, but just
said that record fields were automatically polymorphic... that works but
is a bit fiddly in the renamer, and isn't a conservative extension.)


On 27/01/15 00:59, Edward Kmett wrote:
> I'm also rather worried, looking over the IV proposal, that it just
> doesn't actually work.
> We actually tried the code under "Haskell 98 records" back when Gundry
> first started his proposal and it fell apart when you went to compose them.
> A fundep/class associated type in the class is a stronger constraint
> that a type equality defined on an individual instance.
> I don't see how
> @foo . @bar . @baz
> (or #foo . #bar . #baz as would be written under the concrete proposal
> on the wiki) 
> is ever supposed to figure out the intermediate types when working
> polymorphically in the data type involved. 
> What happens when the type of that chain of accessors is left to
> inference? You get stuck wallowing in AllowAmbiguousTypes territory:
> (#foo . #bar . #baz) :: (IV "foo" (c -> d), IV "bar" (b -> c), IV "baz"
> (a -> b)) => a -> d
> has a variables 'b' and 'c' that don't occur on the right hand side, and
> which are only determinable by knowing that the instances you expect to
> see look something like:
> instance (a ~ Bool) => IV "x" (S -> a) where
>   iv (MkS x) = x
> but that is too weak to figure out that "S" determines "a" unless S is
> already known, even if we just limit ourselves to field accessors as
> functions.
> -Edward

Adam Gundry, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP,

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