Updating submodules

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Tue Jan 6 12:49:15 UTC 2015

Following a chat with Herbert, I've updated

Please check/proof-read


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of
|  Simon Peyton Jones
|  Sent: 06 January 2015 10:49
|  To: Herbert Valerio Riedel
|  Cc: ghc-devs at haskell.org
|  Subject: RE: Updating submodules
|  |  > *         There is no .git/config in libraries/parallel.
|  (Whereas
|  |  > there is for another submodule, libraries/hoopl.)
|  |
|  |  > *         There is, however, a .git file which points to
|  |  .git/modules/libraries/parallel
|  |
|  |  That's most likely because libraries/hoopl wasn't created via `git
|  | submodule` but rather inherited from a Git checkout where
|  | libraries/hoopl was an decoupled (not yet submodule) sub-repo...
|  Yes, that's plausible.  So the hoopl one is wrong, and the parallel
|  one is right. But how do I fix hoopl?  (Short of blowing away the
|  whole repository, which I can't do because it has lots of commits in
|  it.)
|  |  In any case, if you manage Git remotes (while in libraries/hoopl)
|  via
|  | the `git remote` command, Git takes care of following the
|  "symlinked"
|  |  .git folder...
|  OK.  But in this case what do I do?
|  |  > * In .git/modules/libraries/parallel/config, I see a url of  >
|  | https://git.haskell.org/packages/parallel.git.  But I can't push to
|  >
|  | this URL.
|  |
|  |  yes, that's our mirrored copy of github.com/haskell/parallel/
|  |
|  |  > * That matches the url in
|  |  > https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Repositories, but
|  contradicts
|  | > the url in 'packages', which says
|  |
|  |  > ssh://git@github.com/haskell/parallel.git
|  |
|  |  yes, that's exactly the upstream URL you're supposed to push to...
|  |  (and since it's a ssh:// protocl url, it means you should have
|  push-
|  | rights there)
|  So
|  * I *push* to ssh://git@github.com/haskell/parallel.git
|  * I *pull* from https://git.haskell.org/packages/parallel.git
|  Is that right?  Then again, how can I get the right URLs in the right
|  place?
|  |  The comment there is probably a bit misleading;
|  |
|  |  "-" in the "upstreamurl" field just means that the official
|  upstream
|  | repo is at git.haskell.org, and you should use the usual
|  | ssh://git.haskell.org/... URL for pushing...
|  OK, so they are *ALL* sub-modules, and "-" is just shorthand for a
|  particular URL.  Would it be possible to fix the comment?
|  Simon
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